Kamala Harris just TANKED her entire campaign!!!



what should tank her campaign is tim walz meeting with alex soros

“We have a broken border and it needs to be fixed,”said the freaking Border Czar for the last 3.5 years!!!!!!! What and where is her freaking brain/memory??


  1. Step.Rule has an absence of a Moral Compass. No real knowledge.
    No Ethics . No real job expertise .
    Was her past experience for a job include “Clown”.

  2. Kamala’s mouth appears to be working but she is not. The body double playing Harris may have worked at McDonald’s, but Harris probably didn’t. She said, “months ago a bill was proposed . . ” But Donald Trump killed it. How can Trump kill it if he isn’t the President? She lied. That bill was proposed just a few months ago that should have been done several years ago. Kamala is super failing as Vice President, or is she really President? She blames Trump for every damn thing she and fake Biden should be held responsible for. She absolutely must be escorted to Gitmo permanently.

  3. Yeah, so apparently she is saying that Donald Trump was in charge to have killed a bill. Maybe that is because the current puppet president is not really in charge. This is a ridiculous statement from a ridiculous administration.

  4. i sincerely hope ( and expect ) JD VANCE to wipe the floor with this Baboon CLOWN WALZ tomorrow night. Tampon Tim is a total fool, who’d rather be Chinese any day of the week, than to work toward a better USA. Can’t wait to see how the broadcast network and moderators do everything in their power to RIG THE PROCEEDINGS …..

  5. This clown idiot VP has been VP for the last almost 4 years and she is now not taking any responsibility for all her failures and the rotten demonic News Media is not calling her out and brain dead people believe it.

  6. That’s right. We know EXACTLY what Trump will do. Close the borders, reduce inflation, bring down crime, deport the invaders and drill, baby, drill. To accomplish this, MAGA Republicans must win down the ticket as well. Oust all RINO’s and radical libturds.

  7. About abortion can talk only a female living as a female not hiding her sexuality. One who have had her first menstrual cycle after a long painful period, experienced love first time, again a very painful pleasure, then was pregnant fot 9 months. Gave birth in natural way for a live baby through the birth canal, another extremly painful event and raising that loved little bundle of joy. Many times after the birth we the FEMALES need a cleaning = almost like an abortion to not suffer weeks of mizery after the natural birth. You feel clean at least, no pads for about 6 weeks until will restart the menstural period, everything else are secondary side effects.
    Only those can call themselves a feminin persona who can reprodus the human!!!

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