Russia is pounding Ukraine on the battlefield now. Because you froze their military aid and stopped giving them information. Your stupidity is costing lives.
People are blaming Trump but i blame the millions of Americans who voted for Trump.
“The moustache” is a war hawk. He probably wants Trump to nuke Russia.
I could not believe how much you are missing the fact that President Trump does not want to give everything away without getting anything back for Us
I feel you are not totally honest.
Us and Ukraine had agreed before and it was Ukraine resident who negged on it not President Trump
this guy has been running his mouth for years and to no-ones good .. he needs to go walk in the woods with hillary etc.
Bolton go fk yourself, walrus traitor.
This guy is an idiot. Stop guessing what Trump is doing, ask.
They still have our money
“The moustache” never saw a war he didn’t like.