Black High School Athlete Breaks Down In Tears CRYING RACISM Over BACKLASH For Attacking Opponent!



A black girl attacked another black girl, but racism… sure

I’m slow today. Both girls are black, right? What is racist here?


  1. Maybe the victim’s attorney is white? If she was expelled, the principle was white? If she was arrested and charged, the arresting officer was white? Some of us viewers are white?

  2. The situation has nothing to do with RACE. One girl attacked another during the race to better her own chance of winning. Obviously the attacker is in the wrong. What is so difficult to understand? Crying because you got caught is the most childish response. The attacker should be prosecuted. The story that she “Accidentally” hit the other girl is BS. How many thousands of races have been run without a similar “Accident”. Look at the video!

  3. It seems she means that by accusing her of being violent in hitting the girl in the next lane, we are being racist. I believe she did not mean to be violent, and she was not careful, but there is no way to view the two videos without realizing that she definitely was responsible for striking the other girl. Perhaps she was frustrated and reacting in frustration. Because Blacks have had 50 years of blaming their mistakes and acts on racism, these accusations will continue as a force of habit.

  4. Race had nothing to do with this. She saw the girl was going to pass her and hit her in the head causing damage. Own up to it and don’t play the race card. You just show poor sportsmanship.

  5. The race card would have worked a year ago…NOT ANY MORE! The race baiting has ended…You hit her on the head intentionally, so you could take her out of the race, NOW PAY THE PRICE! Despicable actions deserve to be prosecuted!

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