Al Sharpton EXPOSED As Costco DEI ‘Buy-Cott’ BACKFIRES After Supporters REFUSE To Purchase ANYTHING!



DEI is discrimination

How long am I going to have to tolerate George Floyd being referred to as some innocent victim?


  1. “How long am I going to have to tolerate George Floyd being referred to as some innocent victim?” – as long as mouthpieces like Sharpton spout their lies and are believed. I do believe he is losing his power of BS though.

  2. White men ruled the land? There ARE more white people in America..It’s common sense if there are 7 out of 10 white and the 3 other races are not as smart…If im running a business, I am paying for the “SMARTEST” for employment, no matter what the Race. But Blacks ARE a minority in AMerica! ANd im speaking strictly population!

  3. It stops companies from hiring who’s truly qualified for a position vs having to meet some DEI quota statistics. If I had a company, I’d hire the best of the best regardless of race or gender.

  4. Thank you President Trump for exposing dei probably more than any other person in politics. These people just prove over and over again how wrong that they are. How racist, how unfair and how much of a joke that they are.

  5. Allowing ANYONE in AMERICA to run his stupid face like SHARPTON does is a crime. He rode JESSIE JACKSON’S coatail for years sort of like JACKSON’S little dog. SHARPTON is a pittiful excuse for a human being

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