Ben Shapiro Sinks to New Low!



I trust Ben Shapiro as much as I trust Bret Baier, Sean Hannity and the cast of The View.

I’ve stopped listening to Ben Shapiro years ago, caught onto his BS


  1. Ben Shapiro is a little fast-talking weasel. He has to talk fast because so much of what he has to say is a total lie. His allegiance is to Israel, not the U.S., and as such he ought to take his a** over there and stay. The reason that Israel is such a “strong ally” to us is simply because they control our ENTIRE money supply and call the shots. We haven’t had financial independence since Woodrow Wilson signed over our autonomy back in 1913. Does anyone think that the Federal Reserve is actually American run? We’ve been regularly involved in multiple international wars since that time, which were NOT in the best interest of the American people – an unfortunate trend that continues to this day. The reality is that The U.S. is a puppet for the state of Israel. This is why “anti-semitism” is a much more serious offense than the exact same thing directed at any other group. And least anyone think that America is alone in this regard, the ENTIRE western world, including all of Europe, Canada, and Australia, have even more stringent laws and severe punishment for Jewish criticism than we have here. In many of these countries, one can be imprisoned for simply questioning the official narrative of the holocaust. Scumbags like Shapiro – the staunch supporter of free speech – certainly agrees with these restrictions. His people are totally off limits to criticism – how very convenient. Yet he’s quick to point out the perennial “victimhood” of his people. This must be the only group of victims in history who have fared so much better than everyone else in terms of finance and power. It begs the question of just who the REAL victims are.

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