Women angered by Mark Cuban’s bombshell comments



Just because you have money, doesn’t mean you’re intelligent, Mark Cuban just proved that.

Hilary called us deplorables , Dems have called us nazis and garbage, and now Mark Cuban states we are not intelligent. Wow!!!! TRUMP 2024 ! I am smart and have COMMON SENSE. So does my 86 year old mom!! We voted EARLY FOR TRUMP. ♥️


  1. Mark Cuban is a poster boy for the Entitled White Male who doesn’t include any women in his universe unless they are tiny, cute little Barbie dolls. He doesn’t even know a female who is actually intelligent, knowledgeable and skilled. He thinks K. Harris’ willingness to trade her immoral favors for money and promotions is 100% legitimate. For Cuban, that’s exactly how females need to operate. No, thanks, Mark! Grow up.

  2. The usual trash talk from a chauvinist PIG. Who the hell is he?????? Women do get by without hooking a meal-ticket , like him. Do these assholes really think women are checking out the bulge in their pants…NOT the one in front…(calm down) but the one in back- its called a wallet. REal women don’t need his approval or permission. He is nobody and nothing in their real lives.

  3. I can remember when this guy was banging on Trump’s door for advice and guidance in building his empire. Now it is all sour grapes for him. He, just like Romney and many others are green with envy at Trump’s success in the political arena. If he thinks that no one can see his boiling jealousy in every word he speaks he is mistaken. I feel sorry for his family to have to witness and listen to his foolish comments for it only diminishes him.

  4. He criticizes women and Trump as it seems to be his only ticket to television exposure. These individual aims to align with the victorious side on November 5th, but unfortunately, he may have chosen the incorrect team. He is a loser, like the woman who are on the view. Prepare your resumes, ladies, for job opportunities after November 6, 2024.

  5. What an AHOLE!!!!!

    You’ve lost at least two viewers (My Husband and I) from your show! I agree, I’m one of the strong women that you never met.

  6. Attacking half the population for their differing political views is not the brightest way to express your opinion publicly, and definitely has long term, irreversible consequences as we’ve seen with Hillary Clinton. Apparently, Cuban is far too stupid to learn anything from the mistakes of others. For that matter, our current crop of “elected” democrats (and hopefuls) haven’t learned anything either. These assholes love to talk about “inclusion” while practicing the exact opposite. It takes very little effort to be inclusive of those who share your views, but it’s quite a different story with those whose ideologies differ from yours. The left’s ugly name calling and insults emerge very quickly once confronted, even when confronted by one of the myriad of minorities they claim to represent.

  7. WOW this looks like the Perfect MARK CUBAN would be the Perfect choice for PRESIDENTe in this Country for Sure 👍 and We all know that He Would be a Better PRESIDENTe Than the TRUE TRAITOR of this Nation and His TRUMP-Ass who would be the First Dictator of America 🇺🇸


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