It wouldn’t surprise me, if aoc didn’t think Einstein was smart. She’s probably never heard of Nikolai Tesla. She should never have been a Congresswoman.
What cracks me up is that these Democrats project onto others their character flaws and defects. AOC must love embarrassing herself because she does it over and over and over! She reminds me of a Junior High School Girl.
She’s an airhead. Her IQ can’t be much higher than her shoe size. Her ignorance is on display every time she opens her mouth. If you think she’s stupid, when she opens her mouth, it removes all doubt.
Mary, I agree. The Democraps project their own character flaws and defects onto others. That’s why AOC thinks everyone is as stupid as herself. Ditto for Mad Aunt Maxie and numerous others.
The neighborhood doofus is smarter than AOC. According to AOC, we can simply print more money to pay off our national debt. Duh, it doesn’t work that way. How did this airhead get elected and reelected?
It wouldn’t surprise me, if aoc didn’t think Einstein was smart. She’s probably never heard of Nikolai Tesla. She should never have been a Congresswoman.
Dull witted CUNT
Elon Musk shits turds with higher iQ’s than that trashy bar whore.
What cracks me up is that these Democrats project onto others their character flaws and defects. AOC must love embarrassing herself because she does it over and over and over! She reminds me of a Junior High School Girl.
She’s an airhead. Her IQ can’t be much higher than her shoe size. Her ignorance is on display every time she opens her mouth. If you think she’s stupid, when she opens her mouth, it removes all doubt.
Mary, I agree. The Democraps project their own character flaws and defects onto others. That’s why AOC thinks everyone is as stupid as herself. Ditto for Mad Aunt Maxie and numerous others.
As a Socialist Democrat, may AOC be rejected by the America First movement.
The neighborhood doofus is smarter than AOC. According to AOC, we can simply print more money to pay off our national debt. Duh, it doesn’t work that way. How did this airhead get elected and reelected?