Whoopi Goldberg Loses It Over White PeopIe



Anyone still voting Democrat is seriously disturbed.

I'm tired of these Antiwhte media hosts! Who's with me? ‍♂️


  1. I have been so sick of TV white racism and black crying I don’t even watch TV I have not even bought any movies I feel like my IQ is shrinking among stupid people who cares what color you are I respect those that earn it and ignore woman black and any color that wants to cry color you can be green all I care or think you are a dig I just don’t care people grow up be an American

  2. I have been so sick of TV white racism and black crying I don’t even watch TV I have not even bought any movies I feel like my IQ is
    shrinking among stupid people who cares what color you are I respect those that earn it and ignore woman black and any color that
    wants to cry color you can be green all I care or think you are a dog I just don’t care people grow up be an American

  3. Whoopi Goldberg, the biggest anti american, lying phony racist in the country. She wants Everyone (White) to be responsible for something that happened over 200 years ago, before anyone on earth today was alive, and if that makes sense to anyone, then you are as stupid as she thinks you are. Why is she, and DeNero and Lopez still in America? They all took a Vow to leave the country if Trump became president , well he did, when are you going to keep your word and leave? In case you didn’t know, Whoopi the white hater, has been married 4 Times, ALL of them White Guys, Hypocrisy has a name, it’s Whoopi .


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