Snipers’ location and shot recreation.


The Secret Service shouldn’t have let Trump take the stage; they were in on it.

Snipers were there to eliminate the other side of the story .


  1. There’s no doubt it was a government hit job. When the secret serbice says their agents messed up they are being truthful. What they mean when they say they messed up is that they missed their shot.

  2. The entire shooting episode was orchestrated by trump and his allies to get sympathy from his base and increase his votes.

    • Boy, you sure bought the leftist line of sh*t hook, line and sinker! Have another glass of Kool-Aid. “Stupid is as stupid does.”

    • “Ok. I want you to climb up there on the ladder and get right in front of me. Real close-like. Then, when I turn my head at this exact moment to look at the chart, I want you to shoot at me. I know you’re only 20 years old and were kicked off your High School shooting team for being such a bad aim, but I trust you. Shoot my ear. Just the tip. Shoot just the tip of my ear. I know you can do it! You’re a democrat, and they are good at everything.”

      ~Donald Trump

    • You can’t be that Fucking Stupid. No one plans to be shot in the head by a 20 year old. Way to many factors can go wrong. 1st it’s 125 yards and wind as well as humidity affects the flight of the bullet. Then you have to choreograph the exact nanosecond that Trump turns his head to the exact angle. Only a idiot who’s never held a gun let alone shoot one would make such a Stupid comment like yours

      • Apparently you don’t watch much TV, LOL!
        When you’re up the creek without a paddle and you need something dramatic to save your can, you might shoot yourself in the leg to make it look like the perp shot at you first and make it look like self defense. NO WAY OUT! kevin Kostner. Seems far fetched and it most likely probably is.

        • Your posts are so STUPID that they are beyond funny !! The prostitute you support is so far down in polls !! In 2020 she got 2 percent of vote in primary!! Now the ignorant Democrats think she is wonderful!!
          Do you enjoy paying gas that is over double the price than it was under Trump? Do you like high grocery prices? Do you like inflation at a 40 yr high ? Do you like that the border czar Kamala had allowed over 10 million ILLEGALS to cross the border?.
          How many of these illegals are you taking in ??
          The stupidity of the Democrat base is astonishing!! You are in a satanic cult and to stupid to know it

    • No, Trump isn’t as desperate as the lying left. Joe blew his chances so you have to come up with some theater, say an Adam Schiff production. It’s a shame justice will never get served on all the ones who lied about Hunter’s laptop.

    • You are one that filled, STUPID low life !!
      Democrats have no shame.. course when you support the party of SATAN you revel in all things bad !!

    • Judy, get away from the News and the View, You’ll find you have more to life than the depression that the media are spewing. And the View, what a bunch of NASTY, HATEFUL, BITTER women, Such LIARS!!!!!

    • “The entire shooting episode was orchestrated by trump and his allies to get sympathy from his base and increase his votes.”

      Judy,Your opinion = Lies from the Pit of hell, smells like smoke.

  3. Giving the FBI and the DOJ that much power to when subpoenaed they refuse or they destroy evidence is unacceptable. When these people leave or get voted out they should no longer have any kind of security clearance or ties with any foreign government

  4. This might be a case of overcoming normalcy. Like Pearl Harbor, nobody expected anything like this to happen. If the shooter went by one security guy, the next security guy would think that he’s all right because the first security guy let him by. And so on.

  5. Almighty God’s Good News for the earth and everyone living on the earth! Does Almighty God have a Name? Yes. AV King James Bible; Psalms 83:18 that men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth. Jehovah IS Almighty God’s Holy Name. His Name is in the original Scriptures more than 7,000 times. In His mightiness he can intervene at will in human affairs, maneuvering rulers or eliminating them, making his prophetic revelations prove infallible. (Da 2:20-23) Biblical history recounts the futile efforts of powerful kings with their astute counselors pitting their wisdom against God, and it highlights the way he has triumphantly vindicated his servants who loyally proclaimed his message. Isa 31:2; 44:25-28; compare Job 12:12, 13. Almighty Jehovah God IS infallible; which means that He is incapable of making mistakes. This is why He is God and why He has existed forever and will exist forever so that He can guarantee everlasting life to His faithful servants. This Bible text shows what is required of us; Be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.—Rom. 12:2. How often do you clean your home? Perhaps before you first moved in you scoured it thoroughly. But what if you neglected it afterward? As you know, dust and dirt can accumulate quickly. To keep your home presentable, you need to clean it regularly. A similar ongoing effort is required when it comes to our thinking and our personality. Of course, before getting baptized we worked hard to make necessary changes in our life in order to “cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit.” (2 Cor. 7:1) Now we need to follow the apostle Paul’s counsel to “continue to be made new.” (Eph. 4:23) The dust and dirt of this world can quickly accumulate in us. To avoid that outcome and to remain presentable to Jehovah, we must regularly examine our thinking, our personality, and our desires. Almighty Jehovah God created man with a free will which means that He gave us the right to make our own decisions. When we make good decisions that makes Him happy. When we make bad decisions that saddens Him. Why? Because we are His children and He loves us. For those who have children of their own, you know exactly what that means. I married my childhood sweet heart when we were 18. We had three children; one boy and two girls. The oldest girl smoked heavily before learning the Truth and stopping but her early smoking badly damaged her lungs and she died during the first part of the covid plandemic. My son was a rebel. Would not accept corrections under any circumstance and started using drugs before he left high school. He died of an overdose in 2004. My youngest daughter learned the Truth and is serving Jehovah faithfully till now. The pain of having children in this Satan ruled system of things is real. That pain is soon to end. Shortly, Satan will be locked into a state of inaction while the resurrection of those worthy of being resurrected return to us. Does that mean that some who have lived and died will NOT be resurrected to live again? What would be the point of resurrecting Hitler or Stalin or those who have had direct contact with Satan and served Satan willingly? That is Good News for those who were not willingly evil and not so good news for those who willingly served evil. Make no mistake about this; time is NOW very short. We have been notified that the Great Tribulation is VERY close! When that starts, the door to salvation will be much harder to open! If you have questions, please ask or email me with your questions/doubts; [email protected]. I can answer ANY question you may have about the Bible. Any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. I depend upon Him for what I need; not you. If you wish to study the Bible, I can direct you to a FREE Bible study course that you can enjoy in your own home. Please request the link to study the Bible in your home via email.

  6. NE Wyoming? Like, Gillette? Born in Wyoming, raised in Montana, and went to Gillette when I was much younger and lived there pouring concrete for many years. That was when the coal mining was just getting really started.

  7. judy you are full of shit like a turkey that flies backwards you are a real dumb ass wake up before it is to late wake the fuck up smell the bullshit all around you you are a democrat that talkes shit like all democrats get a life love your kids before they are gone look around talk to real people no dumd ass democrats all they care about is destroying our flag and our country wake the fuck up or shut the fuck up

  8. What I want answers to is what part of Law Enforcement Fucked up and did not walk the set perimeter around that and the other buildings plus who had the responsibility of keeping the Water Tower secure. The Secret Service would have needed a few hundred agents to secure and keep secure all those areas around that open area. The Advanced Agents walk the grounds several hours prior to a President, Past President or a Presidential Candidate arrives. Once they finish the Local, County and or State Police become 100% responsible for those areas. The only area at that time the Secret Service is responsible for is their immediate Secure Perimeter in which to enter you must show ID and go through some type metal detector which we know the shooter never entered. The other 2 areas the Secret Service was 100% responsible for was the immediate stage area and keeping the whole area the Beast would travel into and away from that area. Again the Secret Service did their jobs. Let us find out the names of those Cops who left the roof complaining it was to hot. We want the names and Badges of every Cop who stayed inside that very building the shooter almost Killed Trump from because they are all Guilty of Attempted Murder of a Presidential Candidate. Had they actually done their jobs Trump never would have been shot and that Scumbag would have been arrested about 90 minutes before Trump ever arrived. I’m willing to bet those Chicken Shit Cops are Registered Democrat’s


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