Didn’t they fire over 100 firefighters without pay for refusing the covid vaccine mandates ?
I’m a fire fighter myself. Something most people don’t realize is that most fire Chiefs throughout the country are political positions. They are appointed by mayors and city councils. In most cases they not only don’t have to come from that actual department, they don’t even have to have been fire fighters to get said position to start off. This type or promotional situation makes many many fire departments across the country vulnerable to situations like this.
here’s PROOF that it was a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW). Such weapons can’t burn blue objects but normal fires can. So, when a blue house doesn’t burn, it’s proof the fire was from a DEW and not a normal fire:
hmmmm…… it a coincidence that maui burned? Run by democrats….
Great comment!!
No it’s not…
I have been wondering about a Directed Energy Weapon, I believe that happened in Maui, but it has been all covered up, like usual. These clowns sure won’t tell us the truth about anything.