I was homeless for about a year. Addicted to drugs. When I got clean and managed to get a really crappy rental studio apartment, very tiny and not well managed, I fell onto the floor crying from gratefulness and happiness and relief.. I have now been drug-free for ten years and own a home!
~”You can take a shower, freshen up, and go to work…”. That seems to be about the last thing these two are planning to do.
If they like being homeless kicked them out on the street when you are lazy that’s the way you think.
their living still like slobs, so throw them back out on the streets,
ungrateful slobs,
The other day driving through a city in upstate NY, there was a panhandler set up by a stoplight, not sure if he was homeless, but he was busy looking at his IPhone. Guess it pays pretty well to beg for money & then be able to afford a $1000 + phone.