US Congress Shows Trump’s Shooter’s Evidence Previously Hidden From Us


US Congress Shows Trump’s Shooter’s Evidence Previously Hidden From Us


This must be thoroughly investigated by unbiased parties, not the f.B.I or secret service or homeland

Who else is sick and tired of what the government is doing??


  1. They will stop at nothing‼️
    They want our freedom gone.
    I’m praying🙏🏼🇺🇸🙏🏼🇺🇸🙏🏼
    I’m a registered Democrat.
    I know for a fact they cheat.
    I will vote for Trump👍🏼

  2. Welcome aboard Martha! If you want to save this country, you must jump on the Trump Train. I assure you Joke Bribem has never been on this one, like he lied about the train across the Key Bridge. I worked 3 miles from the bridge before it was destroyed, it never had a railroad on it! We must STOP THE INVASION and deport. We must “drill baby drill”. You must tell your friends that the only way we can save our country is to bring President Trump back and get rid of Obama, Bribem and this woman that’s never done anything! I’d have Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office before KAMALLA!

  3. Trump needs to hire professional guards to protect him from the deep stink government under Obama because the FBI and the Secret service will set up another killing..look how many people they have already killed JFK, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther king, Lee Harvey Oswald, Ronald Reagan…all these Shootings under their god…I wouldn’t trust them to protect a out house

  4. I heard the white van, which held 2 explosives, was seen and photographed parked by the water tower just before the shooting. Yet that same van was later found after the shooting TEN MILES from the fairgrounds. This seems to suggest a second shooter, since we know Crooks didn’t drive it there after he was killed.
    And then there’s the mystery about the bicycle found near that building where Crooks died. Have officials ever said if it was Crooks?

    Last, I read a report that said THREE FBI men were assigned to guard that roof. Number one was actually on it, but got hot and left the area. Number two and three were inside the adjacent building on the second floor, watching the roof through a window. Number two heard the chatter about a suspicious guy milling around the building, so he left to investigate. When he couldn’t locate Crooks, he realized he forgot his building key card, so he began pounding on the door. Number three left his post by the window, to go let number two back inside. That’s when Crooks climbed atop the roof.
    Key Stone cops have nothing on these guys!

  5. The investigation into the attempt on the life of President Trump will never be complete until the encrypted messages on Crooks phone are deciphered and made public. It can be done and it must be done.

    • It’s surprising how long it takes to retrieve information from a criminal’s phone, yet the FBI and DOJ seem to have no issue tapping into the phones of innocent Americans. Organizations such as the Secret Service, FBI, and the DOJ, once regarded as pillars of integrity, have seemingly lost credibility among the American public. Former President Trump requires individuals of integrity for his protection, men like Dan Bongino.

  6. We need Americans to wake up and see the truth. A very wealthy man who had a live style most of us can only dream of. Left it all for one reason only, he loves our country. What has it given him, ridicule, hatred, lies, slander, lawsuits, raids on his properties, attacks on him and his family of all kinds and an assault on his life. Did he need to do this, he did it for us not himself. He is trying to save us from evil people whose desire is to destroy our country. Decision is an easy one people, vote TRUMP and get our country back on track!

  7. The FBI or asi call them, Fumbling Bumbling Idiots and were turned into the Democratic Party Police by Obama and Hillary and have since been useless. Homeland Security is way to large to be under the control of 1 person. It should be maybe 1/10th the size it is and have everything except the Border and Coast Guard removed from its alphabet soup of agencies it controlls. ATF needs to be separate as does Airport Security and everything else. The idiot running Homeland Security has very little knowledge of airports, airplanes and baggage, has about zero working knowledge about guns,ammo and explosives and probably knows the most about Alcohol from his 3 to 6 drink lunches. What happened in Pennsylvania should never have come close to happening. 1st since they knew long before Trump even arrived that they had at least 1 suspicious individual Trump should have been held at a secure location some 10 miles away and held there until the suspicious individual was arrested and takin away from that area. Then everything reswept and resecured. Sadly Jill took priority on her Pennsylvania visit and the extra agents Trumps team had requested went on to protect her. What we saw in action was a remake of a 1920s Keystone Cops silent film because there was zero talking between local, country, state police with the FBI or Secret Service until well after the shooting took place

  8. This has become beyond rediculous. There needs to be resolution and accountability. It appears to be time to revamp the entire CIA and FBI if answers and prosecution are not provided on this.

  9. Our country is being destroyed from the inside out! We will be another Venezuela if Trump isn’t Re-elected! Democrats need to see through the lies and hypocrisy. If they need to vote for the love of our county. Biden,Harris and Obama are money mongrels and don’t care about anyone except their own. Enough of their lies!


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