Trump Takes MASSIVE Lead Over Kamala in Top 2024 Forecast!!!



I’m a woman, and I’m voting for Trump!!

I am voting for President Trump


  1. She doesn’t speak for me. I’m voting President Trump. The Harris/waltz says they’ll make the economy better, why in sam’s hill, aren’t they fixing it now.

  2. Correct. Cackling Kammy doesn’t speak for me. She can’t fix the economy because the Biden/Harris regime broke it. All she can do is offer platitudes and empty promises.

  3. Yeah, she’s part of the broken system, the failed far-left policies and leaders that got us here, where we are today, with every aspect of the economy failing: high inflation, high interest rates, tumbling stock prices, rising unemployment, disappearing jobs, income & prosperity–and the worst thing of all: the blatant assault on the fossil fuel industry. And that doesn’t even include her wide-open borders policy, her support for eviction moratorium that has increased homelessness tremendously, and her constant attacks on the Second Anendment. She is anti-business, anti-capitalist, anti-prosperity, and pro-socialist, pro-communist, and apparently, pro-fascist, too. And then there is her support for the god-less perverts, drug addicts, lazy college students and stupid environmentalists, and the Islamic radicals, as well as the sickening fetus-murderers. It seems like the Democrats have put together a coalition and gotten support from every undesirable and messed-up and immoral individual, in this country, whereas the Republicans have gotten support from almost every responsible, acceptable and productive member of society.

    • Michael says, “…the Republicans have gotten support from almost every responsible, acceptable and productive member of society.”

      Yeah. Trump supporters – like the Three Percenters, the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, Hulk Hogan, Kid Rock, Roseanne Barr, 50 Cent, Lil Wayne, Scott Baio, Brittany Mahomes, Laura Loomer, Imperial Wizard of the Rebel Brigade Knights of the Klu Klux Klan…. or maybe you meant Republicans like Ted Cruz supporters?

    • Well said I couldn’t of said better myself. Open your eyes and Hear Her
      Bullshit. Vote Trump. He’s the ONLY One to get us of this MESS. Please we need Him……………….

  4. you better be careful who you vote for@!!I think we need to clean out the current Washington cockroaches this election or we are in deep trouble!!!
    Biden is gone so now we need to get rid of his girlfriend and the rest of his family !!


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