Hollywood?!?!? They are a narcisisstic group of people who think they know more than anyone else! I don’t trust or believe any of them. Most of us are aware that narcissists suffer from terribly low self esteem under all of that phony fascade! That’s why they are in Hollywood!
When one has a living of acting like someone that they’re not, it’s sure to have an affect on a person over time. “Life imitates art”. I stopped watching Hollywood movies after 2005 (Sahara). Nothing seems interesting enough. Also, their sick behaviors are being transferred into films and I’m certainly not interested. In addition, there is no creativity anymore. They keep trying to remake what was already done successfully only to become flops. Hollywood is truly dead.
Hollywood elites are just a bunch of maggots fly larvae any more very disappointing people think there shit don’t stink alert it does very much, a lot of people are destroying throwing away movies they have of them an won’t watch there new movies if there have any new out if I were them I’d be careful they might become a poor person an be no bidder than any other person.
Hollywood?!?!? They are a narcisisstic group of people who think they know more than anyone else! I don’t trust or believe any of them. Most of us are aware that narcissists suffer from terribly low self esteem under all of that phony fascade! That’s why they are in Hollywood!
When one has a living of acting like someone that they’re not, it’s sure to have an affect on a person over time. “Life imitates art”. I stopped watching Hollywood movies after 2005 (Sahara). Nothing seems interesting enough. Also, their sick behaviors are being transferred into films and I’m certainly not interested. In addition, there is no creativity anymore. They keep trying to remake what was already done successfully only to become flops. Hollywood is truly dead.
Hollywood is definitely going to change dramatically! God is tired of all the evil they are doing!
The majority only. A few good ones left.
But it’s a dying art for the selected few.
Hollywood elites are just a bunch of maggots fly larvae any more very disappointing people think there shit don’t stink alert it does very much, a lot of people are destroying throwing away movies they have of them an won’t watch there new movies if there have any new out if I were them I’d be careful they might become a poor person an be no bidder than any other person.