Civilizationalism is dead in the water if the constitution of the United States of America is destroyed, and quite honestly since the constitution is based on the tenants of Christianity, which are totally under attack, I don’t see it holding out much longer. All is see is national anarchy in the future! However as one who understands biblical prophecy I’ll tell you where it is all actually headed and that is totally into a very powerful One World Order with a very clever evil dictator in pretty much world control! There is a name for him but I won’t bother here since so few would even understand his title!
It’s as if Trump is already president. Dopey Joe has been reduced to a neutered pimp; a pos. 21 days and good riddance to the Biden/Harris nightmare. Yes, I’m counting the days.
Civilizationalism is dead in the water if the constitution of the United States of America is destroyed, and quite honestly since the constitution is based on the tenants of Christianity, which are totally under attack, I don’t see it holding out much longer. All is see is national anarchy in the future! However as one who understands biblical prophecy I’ll tell you where it is all actually headed and that is totally into a very powerful One World Order with a very clever evil dictator in pretty much world control! There is a name for him but I won’t bother here since so few would even understand his title!
Kamala, is that you?
My thoughts exactly!
It’s as if Trump is already president. Dopey Joe has been reduced to a neutered pimp; a pos. 21 days and good riddance to the Biden/Harris nightmare. Yes, I’m counting the days.