Trump BREAKING NEWS! Trump gets GOOD NEWS as Kamala SINKS!



I can’t wait until this nightmare is over GO MAGA TRUMP FORCE

Trump is the ultimate American patriot ❤ VOTE TRUMP FOR A GREAT FUTURE!


  1. Good. I hope the cackling c**t sinks. The Democraps stole the 2020 election so dopey Joe could become “president”. President-in-name-only.

  2. Had the demonic DNC not stolen the 2020 election, it would be a mere guess of how dastardly they truly are with the support of the MSM. Still not sure whether God will be absent for a split second to enable harm to be thrown upon the American people. But, it won’t hurt to pray.

  3. This election isn’t going to be close Trump is going to win and the American people are going to get our Country back from destruction.

  4. Amen Folks ! A Trump win landslide! We can not allow
    Kakal embarass to get near the White House. She is
    toxic period and everyone knows it. We would never
    recover from a 4 year term of her. She wants it so bad
    she will say and claim anything to get in the door and
    get the keys…we can not order a nothing burger again.
    Did her 4 years of nothing just taking up space. We don’t
    have time now for a repeat of that…..and pay her a Presidents
    salary plus benefits….I don’t think so. She thinks she will have
    it made if she wins for the rest of her do nothing life….vote
    no for camel toe… will be doing the right thing

  5. WHEN DEM MACHINE RELIZES THEY ARE LOSING THEY WILL JUST DECLRE THAT THY CAN NOT win an unfair election and so wll cancel the election!!!!!

  6. Well, we’ve all seen Kammy cackle. She cackles hysterically when there’s nothing funny. Her cackle is as aggravating as fingernails being dragged across a chalkboard. So is her voice, for that matter.


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