Trump Assassin TRAINED With Federal Agents At GUN RANGE!? Mysterious Visits To DC, This Is INSANE



That bullet was centimeters away from starting a civil war. Americans are fed up.

She should of not been allowed to resign…She should have been fired…Now she can receive all her retirement benefits from the government…She should get nothing…


  1. Just look at the facts it’s obvious that Trump shot himself he had a pistol inside his hat and at right time he pulled the trigger

  2. Evolution is another BIG lie. Evolution denies the Creator; Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18). DNA PROVES the Creator. Every single cell in your body has an about 6 foot long ‘code’ that allows the cell to reproduce perfectly time after time. You know how small a cell is, so how small IS that coding to fit into your cells?? AND, since there are many different types of cells in your body, there must be different coding for each different type of cells. After all, there is not going to be the same coding for a brain cell as there is for a skin cell. If you want more proof about the existence of our creator, please ask or email me with your questions; [email protected]. I can answer ANY question you may have about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions. Any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. I depend upon Him for what I need; not you. If you wish to study the Bible, I can direct you to a FREE Bible study course that you can enjoy in your own home.

    • I have not forgotten about you. It is 6:30 am and I’m still not finished with yesterday’s demands. I guess I will have to file it under my “another decade behind projects” list.
      I think my necessary projects will outlive me. -Ron

  3. I have heard that claim about him training with the feds. If it were true it would never be provable.
    I’d believe that some of the folks in the hot-seat would be blowing a lot of smoke and hot air to get nasty rumors, that can be dismissed, out in the conspiracy theory crowd. That would make a good laugh for them as the stories are treated as true. I do not doubt that they are incompetent. There have been some of the worst blunders in USSS history which are being exposed in congressional hearings. Are they trying to get crack-pots to make bad decisions? I say identify the individuals who cannot do the job and make them janitors or something equivalent to that. -Ron


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