TROUBLE IN PARADISE?: Nancy Pelosi tears into Bernie Sanders for criticizing Dems



Who else wants Nancy to just go away ?

She’s 83, she should leave


  1. nancy needs just to shut up and go and enjoy the rest of your life whatever you have left with your somewhat health left, go on vacation, go visit Italy, you have the cash so go and enjoy and leave the citizens alone who have to work for a living, not like you with inside information, fade out gracefully nancy

  2. Watching the events going on around me, news wise, reminds me of wild animals turning on each other fighting over the remains of their previous kills. Every one of the dems under the sun has been blamed for their demise of power except themselves, usually taking out the weakest first and then up the progression until the strongest are left to battle it out. Now that the American citizens have spoken, while we remove the defeated weak carcasses out and sanitize the area, lets sweep out the remaining strong Alphas and hold them responsible for their vicious attacks. A lesson to be learned here is that no one is above the law, even the life long Alphas.

  3. Nancy sees herself as a mob boss. She knows she is, but where did all of her political support in D.C. go? Gavin will appoint her replacement as she retires in the next year. Again, another person will get national authority without ever having to run for office. The Way of the Dems.

  4. She’s been chewing her cud
    for too long. She should be put out to pasture with the other swine. Disgusting person who cares nothing for anyone but herself. I doubt Heaven will admit her!!!

  5. Actually, queen Nancy is 84. She should have been put out to pasture a long time ago. Hell is the only place she can go. No other venue will have her.


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