Total Chaos… NYC Demolishes Migrant Encampment



It’s disingenuous to say the results of such policies were ‘unanticipated.’ They were very anticipated.

It was only almost two years ago that Mayor Adams said “We welcome migrants and are proud to be a shelter state”. What a jerk. ‍♂️


  1. Yes, I know what idiot mayor Adams said. He personally welcomed the first busloads of migrants and gave them the keys to the city. Free hotel rooms, free food, even free money. Now he says the migrants are destroying NY City. Well duh, he didn’t think this would happen? Okay, destroy the migrant emcampments. Next step, send the freeloaders back to their home countries. It has to be done. Migrants cooking outdoors, getting haircuts outdoors, doing drugs, shitting and pissing outdoors. Welcome to the third world.

  2. These migrants are living here for free, courtesy of us taxpayers. They steal, they rape and kill women, they assault police officers, then they’re freed with no bail. They have no respect for our country, or laws, or for us. Deport them pronto.

  3. Well, I live in the formerly great State of California. We apparently want to be like you, Completely and forever more broke! Democrats can’t seem to get out of their own way in screwing everything up. They do it constantly & continuously. Never failing to screw up everything in sight.
    I am very happy to be an old man. I will never have to see just how much damage the left can do. Good luck to the rest of you! Vote for The Donald save yourself and the country. The greatest country ever on Earth!

  4. James, I think New York State wants to be like California. Everything California does, New York State does too. It’s tit for tat. The only solution is, vote the Democraps out. But that will never happen in deep blue NYS. No matter how bad these liberal politicians are, they get reelected.


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