I can’t see all that much violence lasting very long I mean a chihuahua fighting a pit bull might be violent for about thirty seconds! Just do Mexico a favor and absolutely crush the nasty punk cartel thugs.
Use the CARTELS as target practice . . . We’ll get rid of the little vermin, the troops will get some good practice, and it might be FUN!, Heck, WHY NOT sell front row TICKETS on the side.
We would be doing the country of Mexico as big a favor as our own country if we squashed the cartels into oblivion. They have been holding their own country hostage for years, buying out politicians, law enforcement, and military officials at will. Mexico is a country run by fear, and it would be great if we could put a permanent end to that fear and give those people back their lives. However, it has to be done on our terms. We’re not helping anyone by maintaining open borders resulting in the influx of drugs and criminals from around the world. The rest of the world needs to understand that our country’s number one priority needs to be our own citizens, as should be the case in EVERY country on earth. When our people’s well-being is at odds with the well-being of outsiders, our people must ALWAYS win out. That’s the only way to maintain our sovereignty. Unfortunately, it’s become increasingly obvious that there are many people – both foreign and domestic – who are actively working to undermine that sovereignty, often under the disguise of patriotism and compassion. We finally have a president who sees through these lies and is attempting to right the ship. If he succeeds, it will be a win for everyone on both sides of the border.
Homan reminds me of Patton. Sure he’s got the same voice quality and word patterns, but more importantly, his thinking is moving in the same way. There’s no hesitation in him. He’s careful, but he’s totally resolute. He would have made a threat military man, but I’m glad he didn’t go that route. We need him where he is right now.
we have plenty of sharp shooters, and can find the cartels.
We have plenty of trained military who can take them on and we also have many veterans who are proficient in the art of shooting
I can’t see all that much violence lasting very long I mean a chihuahua fighting a pit bull might be violent for about thirty seconds! Just do Mexico a favor and absolutely crush the nasty punk cartel thugs.
Use the CARTELS as target practice . . . We’ll get rid of the little vermin, the troops will get some good practice, and it might be FUN!, Heck, WHY NOT sell front row TICKETS on the side.
We would be doing the country of Mexico as big a favor as our own country if we squashed the cartels into oblivion. They have been holding their own country hostage for years, buying out politicians, law enforcement, and military officials at will. Mexico is a country run by fear, and it would be great if we could put a permanent end to that fear and give those people back their lives. However, it has to be done on our terms. We’re not helping anyone by maintaining open borders resulting in the influx of drugs and criminals from around the world. The rest of the world needs to understand that our country’s number one priority needs to be our own citizens, as should be the case in EVERY country on earth. When our people’s well-being is at odds with the well-being of outsiders, our people must ALWAYS win out. That’s the only way to maintain our sovereignty. Unfortunately, it’s become increasingly obvious that there are many people – both foreign and domestic – who are actively working to undermine that sovereignty, often under the disguise of patriotism and compassion. We finally have a president who sees through these lies and is attempting to right the ship. If he succeeds, it will be a win for everyone on both sides of the border.
Homan reminds me of Patton. Sure he’s got the same voice quality and word patterns, but more importantly, his thinking is moving in the same way. There’s no hesitation in him. He’s careful, but he’s totally resolute. He would have made a threat military man, but I’m glad he didn’t go that route. We need him where he is right now.