This photo will RUIN Kamala Harris forever!!



I cannot afford another four years of Bidenomics under Harris. I am definitely voting for Trump in November. Who is with me?

I’m sick of the left.


  1. What else that Trump has not done will be the braking point ? I got broken before he even ran for Pres after he screwed people I knew. Trump belongs in Trump World I believe it is located on Mars.

    • So you are ok with a prostitute but attack Trump?? Hypocrite much??
      And you are ok with sexual molester, pedophile,and adulterer in WH but attack Trump?? Hypocrite much !!
      Typical ignorant lib !!
      Hron believes in ” rules for thee but not me “” the democrat cult mantra

  2. The act of intercourse as practiced by D T is his demanding that U select him as the almighty. He is unable to control himself and demands that U
    believe the self-serving lies that only he could deliver with a twisted tongue. Just tell the truth. He doesn’t know what truth is unless he is just
    blowing smoke up your….

    • Truth is completely foreign to s lib !!
      A lib lives in lies and then accuses others of lying !!
      If a Democrats (lib) mouth is moving he is lying

  3. and you are ok with a criminal and rapist in the white house. trump is also a traitor and a tax cheat for years and a dictator wanta be.

    • Wait a second there! Clinton practiced legalized rape, but no evidence of it from Trump! And a tax cheat?!? Since when? He is a real estate businessman, who did great business in NYC, but hss been crucified by a Dem judge, a Dem prosecutor, a Dem jury, and a Dem legislature, who changed the law just for him, in a kangaroo court trial…give me a break, Democrat!!! Our country is suffering, falling apart, because of Democratic Party policies and leaders, and you’re gonna argue against the only true, God-fearing Christian running in this political race, to try and save this country, from immoral Democrats?!? Let’s not forget that Trump was not an incompetent dei hire, but she is!!! Trump went to MY alma mater, where the very first all-electronic, all-digital, general-purpose COMPUTET was EVER built, in this country!!! He ain’t no dummy, but Kamala, Miss Chickenshit, who is too afraid to talk to reporters, certainly is! She is a COWARD, running from J.D. Vance, who confronted her on an airport tarmac recently to ask her why she is afraid to talk to reporters–she is a DUMMY!!! Just like that other affable COWARD, on her team, Tim Walz, who dropped out, when it was time to go to Iraq. If they win, they will RUN, when it comes time to defend our country, Democrat!!!

  4. Another lie by an ignorant lib !! Trump has Never been accused of or found guilty of rape !! A criminal is in white house NOW !! He is guilty of cheating and bribery to begin with !!
    Trump again has NEVER been accused of cheating on taxes ( except by ignorant lying libs like James deaton) .
    The dictator is in office NOW .. you are too STUPID to see it . He has trashed the constitution and laws of America ! The supreme Court has issued rulings on cases and he will NOT abide them !!?

    Dean is just another uneducated ignorant Democrat CULT member that has no capability to think on his own !! He has to be told how to think and what to say !!
    If Trump wanted to be a dictator he would have deposed of Biden and communist Democrats 4 years ago when he was in power !! Did you ever consider that or are you to stupid ??
    ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Hillary Clinton

    • Yes I did ! I proved everything the ignorant lib said was a lie !! And the ignorant lib was silenced because he couldn’t debate FACTS !!
      The dictator is in office now !!and Democrat cult supports it while saying Trump wants to be a dictator !!
      It is sad that there are so many uneducated ignorant libs in America and that they believe all the lies fed them !!

  5. I agree with you TOTALLY, Lawrence, the dictator in office now, and corrupt (paid off by foreign interests), immoral liar, is Biden, supported by other corrupt, immoral Democratic Party leaders, like Harris, and Obama, and Hillary, etc. The original political party of SLAVE OWNERS, is still a corrupt, immoral bunch of liars, after 200 years!!!!!


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