They’re Getting Worse!



This is why Harris lost…..her constituents are nuts.

He’s actually been elected 3 times. Get it right, lady!


  1. Any one of these women(?) would have ended up in a mental institution (if we have any left) sooner or later. It’s painfully eyeopening to see how easily minds can be twisted like that and I thank God every day that these women don’t want to reproduce.

    • when they tie your tubes, get them to uncross the wires in your brain. RED is positive, black is negative. The world will look a whole lot better. No more Woke Broke Bitter, no more reason to shoot at you. You are no longer a threat to others. IT is called “peace”. enjoy

  2. Thanks for those hilarious videos. They made my day. All of them should be extremely ashamed to show their faces in public. How about every single one of you try acting like an adult and just move on with your lives. Maybe you have learned a lesson and will choose a worthy candidate in 2028. Literally NO ONE chose Kamala to be the Democrat candidate.

  3. One of the best things about Trump winning is these lunatics not wanting to have sex again,the last thing we need in our country is whining sick minded more people running around

  4. Julie, you are correct. No one chose cackling Kammy to be the Democrap candidate. She never won a primary election. As for not having sex anymore, hey, that’s their choice. What does that have to do with our presidential election? Nothing that I can see.

  5. Are we supposed to feel sorry for these imbeciles because they won’t have sex anymore? Duh. That’s their problem, not mine.

    • only trashy people litter. only animals have unrestricted sex, then kill their offspring. Try joining the “human race”. Don’t disgrace your race. I will take care of mine.

  6. I have a solution for these stricken people. Leave America. Good Bye, adios, don’t look back, no one’s going to miss you either. Good bye, the sooner the better. You haven’t left yet? Go somewhere else and screw up their country. Take a few illegals with you for company. AMERICA has spoken.

  7. YOU were ripped off by Hitlery Rotten Clinton in 2016. We all got screwed with sloppy Joe Obiden in 2020. YOU didn’t get to vote in Chicago, the rich elites did, behind a RACIST FENCE to keep you out. nutty Nancy, Chuck U Schumer, barry boy obama choose your nominee, that is bat $hit crazy and ignorant. Keep blaming others for your stupidity…. the Dept. of Health will soon put you in a rubber room. YOU will know what IT is like to have laws OBEYED in America, that actions have consequences, and crying will only draw predators to the weak and easily fooled. enjoy the next 4 years, I know I am.


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