There’s something deeply wrong with him.



You ever just look at Biden and think the wheel is still spinning but the hamster is dead?

Don’t be a chump, VOTE FOR TRUMP.


    BUT You ever REALLY just looked at Very OLD TRUMPy and think the wheel is still spinning but the hamster is dead?

    Don’t be a chump, VOTE FOR KAMALA Who has a REAL BRAIN for Real INTEGRATY for ALL of AMERICA.

    • A vote for Harris is a vote for socialism and the end of America and our freedom and to think she has integrity is a joke,she’s a pathological liar and a disgrace,she wasn’t qualified to be VP and she sure isn’t qualified to run our country,Trump 2024

    • Kamala v Trump.
      He’s out talking to people, interviews with ALL media, telling you what he will do. And his platform on his website, Agenda 47, for months. People stand in line for hours. He goes into football stadiums, Madison Square Garden, bodega in Harlem, fast food place in Atlanta– no staging, having people leave & putting his people in. He talks to ALL of them . No boos. People line the streets.
      Kamala. No press conferences. No live interviews.Few “friendly” interviews, all taped & edited. Repeats same script. Never walked a ropeline of voters. Nothing spontaneous. No Town Hall. They empty diner/coffee shop,any place &send their people in to greet Kamala. They bus people in to her events. In Atlanta people received up to $150 to come. Plus she had Megan The Stallion as a draw.
      Just like they kept Joe from going off teleprompter & had handlers to keep him from press & people. …doing same with Kamala.
      How can you be POTUS if you can’t interact with voters & rope off the press??

  2. You can’t even spell! If she had a brain, she’d be at home in the kitchen where she belongs! Heels Up Harris needs a teleprompter to say “Good morning”! She’s the laziest, dumbest, most stupid, ignorant Marxist bitch this country has ever known. Thank God she won’t be going to the WH!

    • The problem is that you have illiterates like JAG who obviously was dropped on his head a few times when he was a baby and believe all her lies,they don’t even realize that she was VP and didn’t do a thing for our country

  3. Dopey Joe was senile when they nominated him for president in 2020. His decline since then is shocking and alarming. He’s incapable of running the show. He’s a brain-dead puppet; a walking cadaver. Cackling Kammy is an idiot, an airhead, a dumbkopf. She’s a useless, cackling bitch.


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