The Victim is White So Nobody Cares What This Cop Did



I was a police officer for over 31 years and this is murder .

The driver, Timothy Michael Randall, had no active warrants, no drugs and no weapons.


  1. Another filthy, dirty criminal wearing a uniform who needs to be terminated. Yes, violence against white Americans is 100% allowed and endured. Part of the reason is that white Americans refuse to stand up for anything worth protecting. Most White Americans are worthless cowards.

    • A “little” racism against white Americans? The racism against white people is and has been way more than racism against Blacks for quite some time. It started with Obummer – he pulled the race card in most of his speeches since he campaigned for Presidency. It appears you were a good student.

      • Leslie you are 100% correct. Susan is very lucky she did not say that to a white man who is a disabled veteran and wore the blue not only in the military but as a cop. What this fat sargent did was totally wrong and he should be removed from the force adn put behind bars.

    • Maybe it’s because the media didn’t cover this story because it doesn’t fit the narrative. Had this man been black the media would have been all over this and spread the hate

  2. Looks like the officer touched the man’s private parts. That’s why the man said, what the hell? This police officer needs to be arrested and charged with murder. It had nothing to do with race. He overstepped his authority. This is murder!!!!!

  3. Hopefully this POS was terminated and the guys family sued that departments ass off,it’s because of cops like him that gives every cop a bad reputation

  4. The cop should be arrested sent to jail for life and sued for all his worldly possessions . He’ll get justice from the gangs in jail and he deserves it

  5. …I get the white v. black jokes….and they are funny, but if you watch enough of 1st Amendment auditor videos, you see real policing in all of it’s corrupt glory. I was raised in a family of corrupt cops and law enforcement, and there isn’t anything funny about these clown-suited-criminals…

  6. Since the Clinton administration through, the Obama Reverse racists years, white people have become second class citizens and have been kept there by the prolonged lie of racism the card the left always usues to hoard the black vote


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