The officers involved finally SPEAK OUT!!!



That woman can not be president. FKH! FJB! MAGA! Trump 2024!

Thank God Trump is OK. I am definitely voting for President Trump in November. Who is with me?


  1. our government has been in a mess for several years, Obama for one decided he needed to change America. Then they hid Joe Bidon four years ago and said he won the election (the election was stolen) Obama ran the shit show those four years and wanted to do it again. But his buddy Joe messed up during his debate and that changed everything So now Obama wants to help Kamala win so he can continue to run things. He isn’t finished with his Changing America. Wake up folks. We need our country back and only Donald Trump can give it to us.

  2. a man gets shot in the head and returns to work is a special kind of person a candidate that gives head not as special

  3. What I want to know???? Is why did THEY HAVE TO KILL HIM!!!! If they were snipers why not shoot him in the hand, arm, or even take the firearm out! So that we could find out why, and who else was involved? Instead of us allllll thinking what WE ALL KNOW!!! And how many 20 yr olds do we know who has nothing on their phones and I Pads???? Now a 20 yr old knows how to do incriptions???! This is sooooo obvious!!!! If they can’t lie, cheat, or steal an election, what’s left?????!

    • He was killed because he was no longer useful. He was their patsy. They needed to silence him so he couldn’t tell who was involved.

  4. Leslie, you are very perceptive. Good to know that there are still some who do their own thinking. (A strip-joint owner in Dallas, killed Oswald out of righteous anger! Yeah right. Wonder who payed him?)

  5. There is a true enemy of the United States He is a former president who sits back and plays the puppet master, pulling the strings from behind the scenes and truly wants to destroy middle class America.Yes OBAMA is America’s true enemy! Donald Trump can stop him with our support! Obama and his cronies are growing more desperate everyday.Obama’s puppets are failing him and his only recourse is to eliminate Trump.


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