The Commie Kamala Switcheroo



I don’t know a single person who has switched from Republican to Democrat. But I know there are a lot of people, like me, that switched to Republican.

If Trump doesn’t get in, America is finished.


  1. Can we start calling out Kamala for what she is “The Whore of Babylon”. Let’s face it California is the Babylon of the US and she got her start basically as a prostitute to get where she is. No person she picks is going to help her reputation only crawl in the mud where she is.

  2. Bravo!, Colleen . . . have you graduated from law school and passed the Bar yet? YOUR hero, Trump, is waiting to nominate you to HIS Supreme Court.
    By the way; . . . . there might still be time for you to get a life!

    Note: Has Yahoo relaxed its very strict standards re: attacking public figures?

    • Like your side has refrained from attacking public figures?! Surely you jest. That’s all they do on a daily basis. You don’t want attacks on public figures? You go first and set the example.

      • GFY, lol. Your party is full of degenerates who attack & butcher children in the sick name of TRANS….. you sick FKS need to be attacked.

    • So it is ok that you libs attack conservatives and Trump on a daily basis with your lies and BS, BUT you can’t handle it when facts are stated about corruption in Democrat party !!
      Hypocrite and stupid are you ??
      Go to Mommy’s basement and whine there

    • I’ve got better common sense in my little finger than anyone who bows at the feet of the idol they’ve chosen to destroy the rest of our democracy. Bet you toe the line don’t you. Zieg, Heil. Comrade!

      • Your democracy?? You DON’T know what democracy is !! You are just spewing out bullshit fed you!!
        Democracy is when the people have a voice in who they want to run for office !! In 2020 the Democrat party elites CHOSE Biden to run and now in 2025 the same elites are shoving Kamala down your throat ! Both times ignoring DEMOCRACY ! And the uneducated ignorant libs ☝️☝️☝️ accept it !!
        Ever heard of ” Democratic country of N Korea?? The used the ” democracy ” word and people fell for it just the the Democrat base in America is falling for same line !! Educate yourself and you won’t look as ignorant and uneducated as you really are

        • Are you really that narrow minded. The Republicans pick a man who can’t speak the truth on almost any subject. I met Trump when he was 35, he was a liar then and still exhibits the same traits now. Any Republican would be a better pick than Donald. For me John Kasich would be a much better pick than Donald, at least he knows how to tell the truth every time.

          • You are the LIAR !!
            TRUMP WAS ADORED by Democrats til he switched parties! Then all of a sudden he was a liar, bigot,racist and on and on !!
            Tell is what subject he has lied about! Good luck!! I know you will run to Mommy’s basement because you can’t list any

    You know what happened to them, they are all of Reprobate minds.Why would anyone elect mentally ill people to guide their lives. I would rather have a felon, than a chest feeding freak, making laws that rule my existence. Karl Marx rules the Democratic party. The top names praise him as their mentor. He was a full blown COMMUNIST/ SOCIALIST

  4. This Country is a REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation under god with liberty and justice for all. the DEMOCRATIC part is the gathering of all people to choose how their lives would best benefit from new laws and ideas, to vote for these changes and the people who represent them best, State by state.


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