Taylor Swift’s Ignorance Just Backfired with Co-Host Megyn Kelly



“”I don’t know what’s more embarrassing, these musicians and actors talking about politics in interviews or the media actually giving them credibility about it,”

– Paul Stanley, lead singer of KISS, 2016

No respect for Taylor Swift on these matters. She is no role model.


  1. Seriously, Swift giving advice on politics?? What is wrong with people… do your own due diligence and make up your own mind! Stop being a lemming!

  2. You got to give it to Megan Kelly. She tells it like it is. I used to like Taylor Swift, then I was ambivalent about, and now I realize she is a totally selfish ignorant AH. Shut up Taylor and be the ignorant fool you are but leave the kids alone.

  3. taylor is a loser, just lucked out with singing and she has NO competition, and running around with travis who loves the spot light, just like taylor are no role models, billionaires they are and we are not
    the have and the have NOTS
    it’s all for the spot light
    don’t fall for her BS

  4. How dare you tell your followers who to vote for. You have your opinion you are rich do not worry if you have enough food. Be able to put gas in your car to get to work. Worry if you can’t pay your rent or mortgage. See how much insurance has gone up or cancel because of fire. Many people are outraged because you have so many followers that will now vote and not look at everything I have been a follower but not any more.

  5. She doesn’t have to worry about anything has she herself gone shopping has she herself paid her own bill,mortgage no she has people that does all that for her so she should just sing and leave her political thoughts to herself, it’s sad that I go grocery shopping and I have to dig through the meat to find the lowest price just sad she should start going shopping and let her see all this darn prices,but not that it would matter to her she has all this money something we lack just sad

  6. I have been non-committal about Swift all along when she stuck to singing and stayed out of politics. She obviously doesn’t give a crap about the economy, the border crisis, the gas prices because of the push for green energy and much more. She doesn’t have to worry about the economy and the cost of living, she doesn’t worry about the border crisis because it doesn’t affect her directly, she hasn’t said one way or another about the push for green energy and the cost of gas because it doesn’t affect her as she jet sets all over the world in her gas-guzzling jets and SUV’s. She’s endorsing Harris/Walz because of “women’s reproductive rights and transgendering. Those are her two main issues. She calls Harris a great leader but has no comment about Harris’ legacy – what has Harris done in 3 1/2 years? Diddly squat FOR America and the ruination OF America. Swift is politically clueless to be giving advice. Thumbs down on Swift. Trump/Vance 2024!!!

    • It’s also about contraception, which most married women find useful/necessary. It’s also about not dying when a pregnancy goes wrong!! You do realize, don’t you, that miscarriage happens? And that it can be dangerous to the mother?

      • Sandy, don’t you know that Trumps plan includes specific options for special health cases? And all he’s saying is
        let the states make their own laws get this issue out of Federal laws!? That’s more than reasonable for most people. Women use abortion as a reproductive rights are just murderers!

  7. Wow, what an incredible commentary of what is possibly happening to our young people. I hope parents listened & really get involved in what is going on with their children. Thank you Megan.
    Hopefully we don’t have a lost generation.

  8. Listen to Swift ???? She is a liberal period. Keep your kids at distance
    from her…you’ll be doing yourself and children a huge favor!!!!
    She is so out of touch with reality it’s pathetic. Letting her influence
    your kids on these political issues LARGE MISTAKE!! Better think it
    over!!! She knows nothing about normal everyday peoples lives and
    what they deal with….way to go Megan !!!!


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