Attacks? What about the attacks and LIES by the democratic Party have done to President trump. and Attacking his than young son Barron. demo-shits just lie, lie, and LIE. Millry is a traitor and commutated Treason. democratic have broken so many laws and are still are not in prison. I love your podcast, it’s on top of the democratic corruption.
“The education system is over 90% liberal throughout the country, that’s also a huge problem.”
Now WHERE did that Q come from ?????
What a loser and the losers that support his part in destroying America
democratic fact check, what a load of shit, you guys need to be corrected all the time. And did K Harriss say, ” all 18 thru 21 year olds are stupid”
Attacks? What about the attacks and LIES by the democratic Party have done to President trump. and Attacking his than young son Barron. demo-shits just lie, lie, and LIE. Millry is a traitor and commutated Treason. democratic have broken so many laws and are still are not in prison. I love your podcast, it’s on top of the democratic corruption.