Always has been since Satan is in control of who serves in any government on earth (Luke 4:1-8). That explains why there are constant wars-corruption and have been since Adam disobeyed and got ejected, along with Eve, from the Garden of Eden. That is soon to change.
Our government is the laughing stock of the world. Our enemies are happier than hell to see the destruction of the USA. We are no longer the United States of America. We are the Divided States of America; Patriots (Conservatives) and Communist (Democrat/Socilaist)!
the DSSA Divided Socialist STATE of Amerika. born April 9 1865, when the republic of We the People was destroyed, 660 000 dead. Then there is the insurrection of Nov. 22 1963, that no one talks about…. defund the unGREATful SOCIETY and the Gestapo. Free your state of federal control freaks AND their regulation$
I don’t blame those female agents. It was their superiors who put them in harms way. Being they weren’t trained Secret Service agent’s, I’m surprised they didn’t start shooting in fear. I’m very happy they didn’t have their fingers on the trigger. The cover up is in full swing. Somebody, other than this 20 year old, planned this attempt. It’s going to take a lot of digging, to find the truth. I think it’s Mayorkas, but what do I know?
WE all know, WE are still being lied to about the last insurrection that happened 61 years ago. WE know WE are being played as fools and slaves to the (deep) STATE. You will be treated as ignorant & irrelevant UNTIL you can prove otherwise. Wise up sheeople, if’n you can
Presidential candidates have always had other agency personnel support the Secret Service during elections. The Secret Service does not have the manpower to cover them. The other agency (HSI) now (IRS, ATF & Customs) before DHS was formed have provided numerous agents in the past. The close protection is always Secret Service. The Jump teams and outer perimeter are covered by the other agency personnel. The agents in the video are Secret Service (look at their badges). Some are definitely new agents. That is how they gain experience is on candidate details. I worked details as a Customs agent on Clinton in 1992 when he was a candidate and provided hundreds of agents to the RNC and DNC over the years. The Secret Service may have changed their standards due to current policies and that is where much of the problems are. Other agencies personnel are not.
This is where DEI is exposed as a fraudulent ‘feel good’ agenda that doesn’t cut it in the real world. You either meet standard employment requirements (aptitude, skill level, mental and physical) for the job or you don’t. It doesn’t matter who you are, what color of your skin, what gender, where you came from or what you want to be — you either qualify or you don’t –period. Do you want your airline pilot or doctor to be a DEI hire or do you want the best qualified? This ‘woke’ BS has to stop now!
Why did Adam die? He failed to obey what he was commanded to do by Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18). Adam was created perfect WITH everlasting life BUT he failed to obey! AND his disobedience is why we now die. Jesus is NOW our ruling king and through the Bible he gave us his authority followed by 2 commands; Matt 28:18 Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” — IF you want to live forever, obedience is required; Adam proved that! And if you have trouble understanding that… well, what does that say about you? How well is the world operating now, being filled with disobedient people who love war and conflict? How many wars are going on RIGHT NOW? First, a war is defined as causing AT LEAST 1,000 deaths in a calendar year and a major war more than 10,000 in a year. Major wars ongoing; 5. Ongoing wars causing LESS than 10,000 deaths but more than a 1,000; 16. MINOR conflicts causing less than 1,000; 18. Perhaps this will give you some deeper insight into who NOW rules this earth; Satan. But Satan’s time to rule is very soon to end. Why? Because we are near the point where life will no longer be possible on the earth and that is when Almighty Jehovah God will act. He has guaranteed that the earth will exist forever AS OUR HOME and He will not permit the earth to be destroyed. PERIOD. Make no mistake about this; time is NOW very short. We have been notified that the Great Tribulation is VERY close! When that starts, the door to salvation will be much harder to open! If you have questions, please ask or email me with your questions/doubts; I can answer ANY question you may have about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions. Any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. I depend upon Him for what I need; not you. If you wish to study the Bible, I can direct you to a FREE Bible study course that you can enjoy in your own home. Please request the link to study the Bible in your home via email.
Despicable charade. The government is the enemy!!
Sad but true
and the cowards, with a 2nd amendment, are to blame. Keep sending “them” (govt.) HALF of what you produce, every year !?!
Always has been since Satan is in control of who serves in any government on earth (Luke 4:1-8). That explains why there are constant wars-corruption and have been since Adam disobeyed and got ejected, along with Eve, from the Garden of Eden. That is soon to change.
Our government is the laughing stock of the world. Our enemies are happier than hell to see the destruction of the USA. We are no longer the United States of America. We are the Divided States of America; Patriots (Conservatives) and Communist (Democrat/Socilaist)!
the DSSA Divided Socialist STATE of Amerika. born April 9 1865, when the republic of We the People was destroyed, 660 000 dead. Then there is the insurrection of Nov. 22 1963, that no one talks about…. defund the unGREATful SOCIETY and the Gestapo. Free your state of federal control freaks AND their regulation$
I don’t blame those female agents. It was their superiors who put them in harms way. Being they weren’t trained Secret Service agent’s, I’m surprised they didn’t start shooting in fear. I’m very happy they didn’t have their fingers on the trigger. The cover up is in full swing. Somebody, other than this 20 year old, planned this attempt. It’s going to take a lot of digging, to find the truth. I think it’s Mayorkas, but what do I know?
WE all know, WE are still being lied to about the last insurrection that happened 61 years ago. WE know WE are being played as fools and slaves to the (deep) STATE. You will be treated as ignorant & irrelevant UNTIL you can prove otherwise. Wise up sheeople, if’n you can
Presidential candidates have always had other agency personnel support the Secret Service during elections. The Secret Service does not have the manpower to cover them. The other agency (HSI) now (IRS, ATF & Customs) before DHS was formed have provided numerous agents in the past. The close protection is always Secret Service. The Jump teams and outer perimeter are covered by the other agency personnel. The agents in the video are Secret Service (look at their badges). Some are definitely new agents. That is how they gain experience is on candidate details. I worked details as a Customs agent on Clinton in 1992 when he was a candidate and provided hundreds of agents to the RNC and DNC over the years. The Secret Service may have changed their standards due to current policies and that is where much of the problems are. Other agencies personnel are not.
Those were real female agents
That director wanted more female
She said she wanted 30% females by 2025
Hey MK, is your last name, by any chance…. “ULTRA” ?
This is where DEI is exposed as a fraudulent ‘feel good’ agenda that doesn’t cut it in the real world. You either meet standard employment requirements (aptitude, skill level, mental and physical) for the job or you don’t. It doesn’t matter who you are, what color of your skin, what gender, where you came from or what you want to be — you either qualify or you don’t –period. Do you want your airline pilot or doctor to be a DEI hire or do you want the best qualified? This ‘woke’ BS has to stop now!
Excellent explanation of DEI. Thank you. I am going to share it with others.
Why did Adam die? He failed to obey what he was commanded to do by Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18). Adam was created perfect WITH everlasting life BUT he failed to obey! AND his disobedience is why we now die. Jesus is NOW our ruling king and through the Bible he gave us his authority followed by 2 commands; Matt 28:18 Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” — IF you want to live forever, obedience is required; Adam proved that! And if you have trouble understanding that… well, what does that say about you? How well is the world operating now, being filled with disobedient people who love war and conflict? How many wars are going on RIGHT NOW? First, a war is defined as causing AT LEAST 1,000 deaths in a calendar year and a major war more than 10,000 in a year. Major wars ongoing; 5. Ongoing wars causing LESS than 10,000 deaths but more than a 1,000; 16. MINOR conflicts causing less than 1,000; 18. Perhaps this will give you some deeper insight into who NOW rules this earth; Satan. But Satan’s time to rule is very soon to end. Why? Because we are near the point where life will no longer be possible on the earth and that is when Almighty Jehovah God will act. He has guaranteed that the earth will exist forever AS OUR HOME and He will not permit the earth to be destroyed. PERIOD. Make no mistake about this; time is NOW very short. We have been notified that the Great Tribulation is VERY close! When that starts, the door to salvation will be much harder to open! If you have questions, please ask or email me with your questions/doubts; I can answer ANY question you may have about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions. Any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. I depend upon Him for what I need; not you. If you wish to study the Bible, I can direct you to a FREE Bible study course that you can enjoy in your own home. Please request the link to study the Bible in your home via email.