Robert De Niro CRIES After Getting Fired From Studio Due To WORST COMMENT EVER! HUGE FAIL



I don’t go to a dentist for legal advice…. so why would I listen to an actor for political advice?

De Niro’s pronouns are ‘douche’ and ‘bag’.


  1. Just what expertise, does Deniro possess in “real life scenarios “?
    Does he actually live in the “real” world? I KNOW! He gets psychological treatment from WHOOPI !! Or is it Whoopie? Or Whoopee? Or Whoops?

  2. ?Rachel Ziegler?, this is a name I heard about a real disgusting comment on a topic that?she? has absolutely no experience with. Yet, she denigrated the character who was supposed to be her “love interest “. Methinks she should go back to her primary residence and retire. Ugly AND dumb.

    • I heard.
      Robert genero and Alec Baldwin are thinking about making a movie about the 2 of them packing each other’s fudge.It’s going to be called the dinero fudge pack

    • Dude is a jackass. Always has been. I will never watch anything in which he is involved. No Diddycrats allowed on my television. DeQueero should just shut up and retire. I wonder how many trips he made to Epstein Island?

  3. I used to like De Niro in the past until he started getting involved in politics. As De Niro now to Da ZERO, he just easily makes a fool of himself especially when he bad mouths Trump. BTW Rand he gets his mentor training from Poopie Goldberg. How fast DeNiro fell to DaZERO.

  4. DeNiro’s face looks like a puddle of diarrhea. Wrinkled, saggy, melted pile of skin. He just had a kid, didn’t he. He still has live sperm? He is on his way out and hopefully will die soon. We’ve had enough of his self-important shit spewing. Go check into a nursing home and disappear you ignorant PIG. You are as big a joke as Sleepy Joe. and as irrelevant.

  5. Maybe now these people will realize that thier preferences don’t matter and learn to keep thier mouths shut when it comes to politics and stop calling people who don’t agree with them stupid

  6. If you’re an ignorant, obnoxious a-hole, you have two options. (1) Keep your mouth shut and your opinions to yourself. (2) Open your mouth and remove all doubt.

  7. Most of hollow wood is communistic fools play, there hasn’t been a truly decent worthwhile movie come out of the nasty place in decades! Entertainment is rather over blown anyway more people should get their heads out of the garbage and begin to see the condition of the world around them!

  8. Most obnoxious film personality imw. People placed on high pedestal and he thought that he was real. Sad how foul smelling mouth let him down. Unhygienic manners, sour tempered and classless scum bag. We don’t want to see in movies anymore. Kudos to WB for their balls


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