President Trump Responds to Oprah and her Lies



Nobody cares what Oprah thinks anymore!She’s history , it’s time to turn the page. bye-bye celebrities!

A rich woman with no kids talking about abortions is diabolical


  1. During the 8 years Bill Clinton was in the White House and the 8 years Barry Obama was in the White House, the Dems could, had they wanted, codified the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) and/or the ruling and decision in Roe v. Wade. The Dems have, in fact, never acted to help women. They promise they will, but they do not act to do so. Women have no equality other than the right to vote from the 19th Amendment in 1920. Women have trusted the Dems blindly, and, foolishly. When, in 2014, women set out to complete the ratification of the ERA, women did not get any help from the Hillary Clinton’s or Nancy Pelosi’s, etc., etc., etc. Surely Michael Robinson could care less. He registered to vote as a male because he was male. Rachel Maddow did nothing. Ruth Bader Ginsburg did nothing, and people forget that her famous “sex” case was all about the sex of her male client. Ginsburg’s so called victory was all about showing that it was unlawful to discriminate against a man for being male. Do you get it now? Why do you think Scalia, Thomas and the upside down flag guy giggle all the time. The real reason they overturned Roe v. Wade is because women have no equality under the US Constitution, save for voting. Women don’t have the privacy rights and other Constitutionally protected rights the signers of Roe v. Wade claimed they had. It’s not about state rights. Why do you think Trump’s DOJ threatened the National Archivist in January 2020 to prevent him from publishing and certifying the ERA after Virginia ratified it. Just ask John Roberts some day when his photos at Epstein’s island go public.

  2. If abortion passes, that will allow us to abort the Democrats, elite and others. LOL. Oprah was executed a while back. This idiot is no threat.

  3. Buffalo’s late mayor Jimmy Griffin once quipped, “I’d be in favor of abortion if it could somehow be made retroactive to those that want it today”.


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