It’s amazing that you can have businesses that have been around for a well over 130 years and even survived the great depression but the economy today is so bad that, only now today they are going out of business. In many ways, this is the worst economy that we have ever experienced considering on the surface things look good but underneath it’s anything, but.


This is the result of 130 years of misleading practices. While CEOs take home millions in salary, employees are left struggling, living paycheck to paycheck.

No amount of evidence will ever convince an idiot.


  1. I don’t read half of the sucker in lines anymore….. headlines never explain anything and neither does listening to the video….

  2. I agree with you both, rottenrollin and jo. It cracks me up when it says “Read More Here.” What you get to read is the headlines on the ads!

  3. When it says “Read More Here” it means there is a written article not some damn video to watch some dude not get to the point for twenty minutes or so. Write the article and get to the point in a few sentences. The truth can be told in two minutes or less. Our time is precious, so respect our time. Still have no idea what stores are closing down. Congratulations for telling me nothing, but wasting my time. What is your goal? Think about it.

    • Goal? Advertising fees from the lying sponsors like “recommended by J” pays for traffic on their site. They could tell the truth that the USA has never had an administration this bad and I would figure that somebody hacked their site. The truth will not ever come from them. They are so bold they lie about DR Ben Carson when they talk about his Nobel peace prize. He is not on the list of Nobel prize winners. Even “snopes” reports: “Did Ben Carson Win the Nobel Prize for Creating Brain Supplements?
      While the neurosurgeon and U.S. politician has accomplished many things, this is not one of them.”
      Everything “Recommended by j” is all hype and no truth.

  4. Hell does not exist, Hell is a pagan teaching from old Babylon that was used in the first through fourth centuries to lure more pagans to join the then-new religion of Christianity. This LIE and teaching has driven more people away from Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18) than probably any other lie that the minsters and priests have used to control those who listen to them. And such men have told very many lies indeed such as you having an immortal soul inside of you that leaves your dead body when you die; the Bible teaches that you ARE a living soul. — If you would like to receive all of the post on hell, please email me at [email protected] and request the “full Hell does not exist post”. If you have questions, please ask, or email me with your questions; any help I can provide is always free, as is commanded in the Bible. If you would like to know more about CO2/vaccines/Ukraine, I have dozens of videos explaining these subjects, esp. why climate change is a lie. You can request such information and I will send what I have to you. HELL. See GEHENNA, HADES, SHEOL, TARTARUS. If you want to read the information about how each of these names for HELL were used (it is quite interesting and explains a LOT!), please email me and request the information and I will send it to you for free.

    • “Climate Change” will always happen. There is evidence that it always has changed. The climate is not designed by God to always be pleasant.
      You forgot the other places in scripture where punishment is foretold by many including Christ. Did you know that the Jewish scripture says that Jehovah is not God’s name? How many conjugations of his name can be created when you start guessing which vowels belong where between the consonants? “God” is one title that only applies to him. “No other gods”, “I know not any” are what messages God repeated to Isaiah, his “prophet”. If you believe “The Book” (The Bible) you should believe it all.


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