We’ve known that it was a controlled demolition explosion. Experts have signed off on this. All suppressed information. There were some 6 public videos on the street which showed 4-5 Arabic persons who got out of the vehicle McVey drove before parking it in front of the building. Those videos were seized. All of the federal employees were already in their full riot gear BEFORE the explosions, and they were all outside the building, not inside it. The Feds took over the investigation and grabbed all the power. McVey was met at the Fed Prison by Dr. Green, the head of MK Ultra. McVey was yelling he was innocent, and after 8 hours of programming by Dr. Green, he never spoke again.
We’ve known that it was a controlled demolition explosion. Experts have signed off on this. All suppressed information. There were some 6 public videos on the street which showed 4-5 Arabic persons who got out of the vehicle McVey drove before parking it in front of the building. Those videos were seized. All of the federal employees were already in their full riot gear BEFORE the explosions, and they were all outside the building, not inside it. The Feds took over the investigation and grabbed all the power. McVey was met at the Fed Prison by Dr. Green, the head of MK Ultra. McVey was yelling he was innocent, and after 8 hours of programming by Dr. Green, he never spoke again.