NYC Stops Migrants From Working… On Purpose


Many asylum seekers in New York want jobs, but although over 200,000 have come through NYC, only 2000 have been connected with full time employment. This is in spite of officials saying thousands of jobs go unfilled and are available for asylum seekers.


I have a hard time empathizing with people entering my country illegally.

If you’re gonna pay to educate people pay to educate US citizens first, what a fucking joke.


  1. REALITY: When America’s well is drained dry, the natural order of things will take over. There will be chaos and eventual collapse of its Social order. When that happens, the powerful elite will lead and govern a new, albeit unpredictable, social order. Any other survivors will just say, ” yes, Master.”

  2. Why should America give jobs to illegal migrants? If America us going to pay to educate these people to learn a trade for free, why not educate Americans for free. This is what Biden and Harris did to our country! Fuck that shit. Trump 2024. Trump can deport these people back to where they came from and give America back to the citizens!

  3. No job that any illegal immigrant would be qualified to fill would pay a fraction of the daily cost of living in NYC. This is a lose…..lose proposition for everyone except perhaps the future Democrat voter rolls.

    • Hit that nail squarely on the head. That’s exactly what they want stupid people voting for them because they want to be our overlords. NOT! Vote these people out and get rid of the illegals while you’re at it. Two birds, one stone.

  4. Simple, you need to speak, read and write English and most people coming here can’t do that. If you’re going to train people to do other well paying jobs then train US Citizens. Any job an illegal could get would never be enough to live in NYC which will make them resort to stealing, selling drugs or themselves for money. The American people aren’t stupid we see what democrats care about and it is these people it’s their vote and controlling them.

  5. Americans are to stupid to realize, this fkg president and the lying,
    cheating, stealing, dumbocrap commies have destroyed our country, and way of life. They have sold us out to our enemies, illegal migrants of 20,000,000 crossed the border, total lawless government. Just a matter of time before civil war erupts, then u will experience real chaos, bloodshed, and the downfall of America, because of dumbocrap commies. Vote these traitors out of office for good.

  6. Congress is supposed to do what the American citizens want not what THEY want to do. The dems are pushing a socialist government and NOT going by the Constitution that they took an OATH to uphold. Remember when our food shelves were empty? How in the hell are we going to feed these 20,000,000 illegal immigrants and ourselves when this happens again and it will because China bought up our farmland. I expect this next election to be rigged too and if it is, all hell is going to break loose this time. You can feel it in the air. Fight – Fight – Fight!!!!! MAGA!!!!!

  7. Got a great idea, instead of hiring illegal immigrants or plain and simple non US citizens (this is for the brain compromised out there who don’t know the difference) offer these jobs to legal American citizens and pay them a decent and living wage (we know these are for the most part minimum wage jobs that don’t pay S**T and anybody who thinks different needs to go back to school) This is outrageous to put things politely. Just another reason to get rid of the liberals who keep proving they’re not for America or the American citizens. Who in their right mind keeps voting for this S**T? Hopfully people have had enough, have hadtheir AHA moment and realize they’re being screwed and realize this can come to an end November 5th 2024 by voting out all candidates with a D behind their name, each and every one of these traitors. Funny thing, they keep doing and stepping in it on a daily basis. What more evidence do people need before they get their heads out of their collective a***s and vote more intelligently?

    • But Bill, this all starts with getting people off welfare, making kids go to school and getting an education and becoming useful. We don’t have that in this country, just people who stay on the democratic plantation and brainwashed voters who want the free money. Got that here in my state, 10 -12-year-olds that are officially criminals, and their mommas are ok with that because they like “free money” for drugs, tats, and a big screen, and think their kid does no wrong. No intelligent voters here!


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