So wait… they arrest the homeless but not shoplifters… anyone else find that incredibly asinine.
I was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i make 22k weekly. have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter… A child of God. HALLELUJAH
Yes, after creating homelessness by allowing nonstop drug trafficking and giving all affordable housing to Illegals, now they want to fill the prisons with the homeless, leaving the Illegals to rape, kidnap, kill. Steal to their hearts content.
Instead of NY, Why are illegals’ not relocated to a State that pays their residence to live there.. Like ALASKA ! 👍
because Alaska is not a sanctuary state.
Because in Alaska you will work or die, homelessness isn’t an option but freezing to death is!
love it … work … key words …
Let’s export all of them to Alaska for rehabilitation
This should never happen in America. Have you noticed that there are more homeless in demoncrat run cities and states? Vote red for a better life.
Agreed. When will the sheep stop being led around by the demoncrats
bravo ,,, hear hear … Trump 2024
Wait…..I thought they are for open borders. those people have to go somewhere. so in reality, it is for open borders as long as it isn’t in their backyard…….they can come, just not here…..
NYC is just like California it’s an expensive demonrat toilet filled with American citizens beeing kicked out and illegals getting government aid and pay bunch of demonrats hypocrites you demonrats Americans yall need to wake up demonrats hate Americans of all classes the poor the down trident the middle class and the rich it is just a matter of time before the demonrats collective comes for you
you are correct … how sad it is .. we can change that .. vote out all democrats .
As long as voters keep voting for these corrupt Dem politicians, this will continue to happen. Notice how the Dems in charge are asking citizens to open their homes to illegal aliens? Let’s see these same hypocrites open up their homes and fill them first. Their homes are much bigger and they can afford to support them much more than the average American citizen. Not to mention, these same illegals are murdering American citizens. The idiot Dems need to support our American homeless and ship the illegals back where they came from.
Not so sure there are this many STUPID American citizens. DumbocRATs have been corrupting and cheating in elections for decades. Everyone needs to vote red for every position, manily for President Trump who’s the only one with the nads to fix the illegals problem.
You think voting is a waste of time I think the last couple hundred years have proven that I think it’s time to refresh the tree of Liberty with the blood of tyrants and Patriots Thomas Jefferson
It is actually unbelievable!
So you remove the homeless “citizens”
off the streets; but house the
“Illegals” in the 4 Star Hotels; give
them cell phones, food, laundry
service and gift cards to buy the
foods they choose. How about
shipping the illegals back to the
countries from which they came;
then concentrate on the US
citizens!! Trump 2024 is our
only hope🙏
Wouldn’t it be nice if all people actually thought the way most of us do. But you see we have common sense, then have no sense but deep pockets that can never be filled. Common sense and morals only work for “We the people”.
Its a plan, folks and it’s already happening all over Europe, too.. The Great Reset is about outnumbering existing populations with immigrants from all over. BHO promised he would ‘fundamentally change” our country, and he was serious. He imported millions from muslim countries, and JB is now importing millions and millions across the southern border-God only knows where those invaders are from because they’re not just from Mexico and Central America.
Netherlands, Denmark, UK, France all have populations of migrants that have already, or are close to being a majority population over native peoples, namely white people. That’s the plan, people. And since everyone is guilted into believing this false narrative, free speech is quietly censored (quashed) by big media, and cancel culture on campuses and social media, the US will soon be quietly subverted from within. The marxist and communists are winning from within the US.
Sadly you’re 100% correct. Yet in reality the only ones who are white priviledged are the democrats in congress and the NObama/Biden adm. Slavery ended over 6 generations ago.
The best place for these illegals to go would be dropped off at would be Easter Island. Can’t into much trouble there. Nice views.
We were taught our best weapon is the ballot…..2020 destroyed that myth! Now America and the world is in jeopardy because we allowed a crooked and rigged election to go unchecked. Hopefully, 2024 elections will reverse this!
This is the worst Our Country has ever been. The country needs to be run like Former President Roosevelt ran it. He made it clear his feelings on certain migrants and acted upon it. All this talk with little to no action. As soon as the busses brought the immigrants to NYC and other places, they should have been rerouted to a land of Nomads. All the Free services for a group of people who put Nothing into the economy But Taxpayers have No Say and Must take care of them. Why? They are Not This Countries problem. And the Homeless are arrested and Never afforded the same luxuries as non citizens? The immigrants come to this country and apply for Free Services under Various Names which are Not verifiable. Their husbands work off the books and they all drive the latest trucks and vans and reproduce babies like roaches. They are rude and prejudice to say the least. No woman or children are safe to be on the streets alone. Sunnyside Queens NY has turned into prostitution row on certain areas. This is a real mess and I pray The Republicans can make this right and bring some stability back to this country.