The Corrupt Demonrats and media lied about the January 6th incident and why is this any different from every other lie they have been telling the country for the past years,thier corruption knows no bounds and January 20th cannot come soon enough
How can anybody Vote for any Democrat at all after How much they Lied about everything that has happened in the last 8 years. In Biden and his Clowned cabinet.
This boggles the mind! Facts that were plain as day to a majority of the nation are now being called “new evidence”! Par for the course though; the shooting and killing of an UNARMED young lady was justified by calling it self defense. Is it just me, or can others see something wrong with this picture?
What took Smith so long to believe the truth? We all knew this stuff months ago. Most of us knew that it was a setup on January 7th 2021. You leftist jackasses are always late to the party. Maybe, if Smith stopped watching CNN, MSDNC and DISNEY, he’d understand.
strange, many saw the insurrection of Nov. 22 1963, the commander in chief, murdered in Dallas Texas. No one has called IT an insurrection yet? Could NOT see who profited from it? LBJ had his own sister killed. His lie about Viet Nam cost another 58 000 their lives. demon-rats love to kill their citizens (Bill Clinton) and abuse women.
Sure, they lied. President Trump needs to pardon the J6 protestors.
the Gestapo only admits to 26. They will forever lie to us.. they are anti-American communist. The media will lie too.
The Corrupt Demonrats and media lied about the January 6th incident and why is this any different from every other lie they have been telling the country for the past years,thier corruption knows no bounds and January 20th cannot come soon enough
How can anybody Vote for any Democrat at all after How much they Lied about everything that has happened in the last 8 years. In Biden and his Clowned cabinet.
They are in FACT the party of DUMBASSES
Just look at all those FREAKS and WEIRDOS
NOBODY VOTED FOR THESE FREAKS and the whole country knows it !!!!
And if they did you are witnessing the RESULTS.
This boggles the mind! Facts that were plain as day to a majority of the nation are now being called “new evidence”! Par for the course though; the shooting and killing of an UNARMED young lady was justified by calling it self defense. Is it just me, or can others see something wrong with this picture?
And have their trial moved someplace neutral
may I suggest, the middle of the Atlantic Ocean? Sharks need love (& food) too.
What took Smith so long to believe the truth? We all knew this stuff months ago. Most of us knew that it was a setup on January 7th 2021. You leftist jackasses are always late to the party. Maybe, if Smith stopped watching CNN, MSDNC and DISNEY, he’d understand.
Why did my comment get removed?
socialism: protecting YOU from reality AKA: censorship
EVERYONE SAW the Jan.6 insurrection. Nothing to lie about.
strange, many saw the insurrection of Nov. 22 1963, the commander in chief, murdered in Dallas Texas. No one has called IT an insurrection yet? Could NOT see who profited from it? LBJ had his own sister killed. His lie about Viet Nam cost another 58 000 their lives. demon-rats love to kill their citizens (Bill Clinton) and abuse women.