If you want to make a conservative angry, lie to them. If you want to make a Democrat angry, tell them the truth.

“Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant; it’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.” – Ronald Reagan


  1. Not only did they lie about the rules and about what transpired, but the press also has failed to report that Trump was there at the invitation of several ‘Gold Star Families”. It’s all one more example of the weaponization of the bureaucracy by the Biden criminal organization.

  2. If not for lying the corrupt,anti-american Demonrats would have nothing to say,you have to be a complete illiterate to continue to support this corrupt administration because another 4 years of thier corruption and say goodbye to America and our freedom

  3. WOWsy WOW 😮 for The WANABe TRUMPse WHO IS Really Helping and HOPING to Get HIS CORRUPT LIFE, and His PRESIDENCY Back for Him and His Family via His Own Words and Actions for His Family and His Own RETAKE 👎👎🤣of AMERICA 🇺🇸 and the World 🌎 🤮🤮✅

    • You’re so pathetic. Try listening to the REAL news. You might actually learn something. BTW, the Gold Star families were interviewed on the REAL news and they said that they invited Trump to the ceremony. It was not a photo op as the lame stream media and leftist politicians have claimed…and Trump never once looked at his watch. They also said that they were never approached by Biden or Kamala EVER – no words, no condolences. How dare the leftists for being so righteous! Time for your dose of Kool-Aid, there’s more BS to come.

  4. Jag, shut the f**k up. We are not amused. Get a life, and an education. I don’t normally use the f-word, but you so richly deserve it.

  5. The entire government in the U.S. is a hoax! I remember the day when the country was run “By the people, for the people”! Today, every single word of that is an outright LIE. Greed, power and money has replaced every aspect of the American dream, wiped with it, and flushed it down the crapper and it no longer exists. I answered the nations call for volunteer military personnel, and while never serving in combat, I never ran from battle like some I’ve heard of. My priorities are still steadfast; 1) God, 2) country, and 3) family! Believe it or not, this country is currently under attack. Politicians like Biden and Harris (and others) will deny this until the end of time; are we to believe that they are simply brain dead, or have other governments made it financially beneficial beyond their wildest dreams? Either way, we are being destroyed by the very people who were (illegally) elected to protect us.


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