Mysterious New Jersey Drone CRASHES, FBI Rush To Scene | What They Find SHOCKS…



This is more sus than 81 million votes for Biden.

The longer I live, the more I realize that the greatest threat to our country is its own government.


  1. O no the sky is falling and the nation is running to hide under there beds

    don’t fall for the left scare tactics

    this is all the plan by the cabal

  2. We see them so they have to be 3D! They want to be seen…and they know what they are..and they believe we are stupid…BEST to let your enemy think you are stupid! They are planning a UFO invasion on dec.31…
    you have the tendancy to “bleed”out your reports…

  3. Drones? what drones? U aren’t seeing, what u are seeing, it’s all an illusion, according to lying, crazy J. Kirby, gaslighting us again, and this corrupt administration. Screw all u, liars.

  4. Government ..what a’s obvious they want to be seen or they wouldn’t have running lights ..try flying a small plane over Washington D.C. and watch how quickly Air Force is in the air to shoot you down..can’t have you scaring our criminals in Washington..most of them hear a firecracker go off they piss their pants ..Mayorkas..that clown can’t even see the border much less a’s a wonder they haven’t already claimed its just “climate change “ ha ha’s just another scam to scare the Jan 6 people used them to try to scare the rest of us into..don’t you dare question our Marxist government we are trying to force down your throats..look people it’s just pond scum showing their azz as like Harris says just go mow your lawn..and leave government to to us idiots

  5. Majorkass burped, “The border is closed. Nothing to see here folks”. How can he lie so brazenly? Now he’s denying the existence of drones.

  6. Biden and his people have lied so long that now their lies don’t mean anything. The Dems love war they always have, yet their kids usually don’t go to fight. But don’t worry about that. Biden is the worst president along with Obama. Think this could be treasonist acts, in my opinion.

  7. Benny…Maybe the Government IS flying these large drones…with the intention of causing so my chaos, Biden can call for Marshall Law. This would allow the Commie Democrats to retain power…Just an idea…Your thoughts…


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