Michelle Obama’s CATASTROPHIC Return To The Limelight Is Good News



I wouldn’t vote for Michael. No way.

Michelle is not the popular diva that MSM wants so desperately for her (him) to be.


  1. So the Obama’s have a ‘production company”???
    Reminds of J6. It appeared to be right of a Hollywood movie!
    There is no way these people were able to climb walls, etc. without the proper training

  2. I would walk on glass before I would vote for this he/she tranny ..I am voting Red ..we must get rid of these evil ppl. I don’t blame all democrats because some vote for red. But the Biden and administration must be ousted along with those in congress so get out and VOTE RED

  3. you wait and see they will elect her as president just like they did elect slick willy as president. what qualifications did he have other than running under the democratic ticket which means they will all get together and vote for her just like they all voted slick willy Obama as president. keep the senile man in office as president or give it to slick willys wife who will get together with her husband and ruin this country for ever. she cannot even control her own kids. Did you see them running around the country dressed like hoochie mamas.

  4. she’ll run for it would be barry’s 4th term
    or newsom or they team up
    since they already know how to CHEAT

  5. She hates this country as much as the double-dealing congress does, she’d be a shoe in for the total destruction of this country, but remember we hate you as much as you hate us, only difference is we will stand and fight.

  6. For referring to it as Big Mike and tranny, Instagram has put me in their jail for a week as they said it was “hate speech.” lol


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