Listen to ‘The View’ Crowd Gasp as Whoopi Accidentally Reveals How Clueless She Is



Whoopi and Joy should ride the subway more often.

Elon Musk called this shallow empathy. When you feel great empathy for the criminal but nothing for the victims. Perfectly stated.


  1. There is NO EXCUSE for threatening an ENTIRE subway. One can easily deduce , that OLD ugly hair GOLDBURG does not ride a subway, and IF the “ill guy” were white , she would celebrate in a bar.
    Hypocrisy and DEI and WOKE at its’ worst.

  2. It’s okay by me if idiot Caryn mouths off. The more she says, the more the JAG officers have against her when they finally arrest her. Just don’t listen to her garbage.

  3. Yes, fatass whoopie, the world is concerned over YOUR comfort. Nobody has access to the background of a batshit crazy loon, threatening people. All they see is some unevolved, deranged animal trying to take their lives and that of their babies. They want not to die!!! You f’in moron. So the next time a wild, screaming schizo criminal comes at you on a subway ( like never) let’s hope he goes for your throat, and you sit there, concerned over your comfort with protecting your worthless ass self versus sympathy for something with a brain function less than that of a lizard.. Go ahead and die so some worthless POS nut case, whose own parents didn’t care for him takes you out. No tears will be shed.

  4. racist whoop is pissed because a thug black got what he deserved. those pigs on the view wouldnt have said a word if it was the other way around, which it is most of the time. i am glad they were celebrating in a bar wish i was with them. good for penny

    • Nobody watches. So how are they still on?
      George Soros has to PAY the BILL to keep the PROPAGANDA going. There aren’t any ratings for this show.

  5. The partially shaved head bitch doesn’t ride the subway and never will. I’d want Mr Penny near me, if I were to ride the subway.


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