Kamala THROWS A FIT Over Trump REJECTING Fox News And CNN Debate To Save Her FAILING Campaign!



He’s not avoiding the offer, he’s declining it. Big difference.

Trump already said No. MOVE ON CNN!


  1. Wow you people are really mis guided fools if you actually believe this shit. Don’t you have eyes and can’t you think for yourself. Not one of you have proven any of these fake claims. Not you , not Trump and certainly not this so-called rag of a news outlet! If we had laws about spreading fake news on the internet, these assholes would be in prison for life. Go ahead fools keep following blindly and keep drinking that coolaid. I’m beginning to feel sorry for you, Naw, you deserve it!

    • Did you not watch the Trump/Harris debate? Did you think it was a fair debate? If you did, you’re just as biased as they are. Trump did offer a FOX debate with Harris on the same day that Biden had agreed to. Harris turned that one down. BTW, an NBC whistleblower spokesperson admitted that Kamala had been given the questions beforehand. That’s the only half-coherent speech that Kamala has ever had. She’s back to her word salads since. She cannot speak without cue cards, teleprompters or questions beforehand. Trump was fact-checked, Kamala was not, even though she lied through her teeth (and was fact-checked after the fact). Trump’s fact-checkers were proven wrong by fact-checkers after the fact. No one cares if the debate was biased and factually incorrect on the Harris side. It only matters that viewers such as you believed it. Have some more Kool-Aid.

    • Alice: It is one thing for people to think you are unimformed and/or stupid but it is another thing to post a comment and prove them right!!!

  2. Leslie, I agree 100%. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Alice, you are the misguided fool. You’re drunk on the Democrap Kool-Aid.


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