Kamala Harris MIND BLOWING New Excuse For Losing To Donald Trump & Caught STILL Begging For Cash!



As a black woman….that’s when I stop listening.

The obsession with racism and sexism is why they lost.


  1. Candace Owens and or Condoleeza Rice would get elected as Republicans. Then the left would have to SHhhh! I would vote for either or both 100% of the time. One as POTUS the other as VP would be a defining moment in history.

    • demon-rats hate women & minorities. They hate ALL who are not them. They even hate those in the communist party, with them. IT is ALL about hate, lies, stealing, killing. Want to enjoy hell on earth, because they know they will go to hell when they die. WE should be pushing up the appointment with the supreme judge of the universe….. IF we had any sense or backbones & gonads. IF we really cared…. IF we didn’t love being their slaves… IDIOTS

      • take the entire democrapy party wrap em up in barbed wire roll em to the nearest mental asylum they are now the party of lunatics and mental defectives and as in kamals case Drunkards
        haw haw haw he haw he haw the kamala laugh he haw

  2. she is having a hard time realizing that she is a loser, and not just the election, people see that she is stupid,

    • the (demon-rat) sheeople STILL believe she/it is smart. That sniffy, sloppy Joe Obiden is “on his game” “sharp as a tack”. That Amerika isn’t an evil empire or an oligarchy, “those with the gold (corps.) make the rules”. 70% of Amerika’s wealth, is controlled by socialist demon-rats. They are NOT the party of the “little man”.

  3. Kammy blew a YUGE amount of money and lost in a landslide. Now she’s “in the hole” and owes money. And she’s not a black woman. An airhead, she is.

  4. Kammy was asked what she would do differently than Joe Biden. She thought for a moment, then burped, “I can’t think of a single thing”. That folks, says it all.

  5. OUR votes said IT ALL. Now we need to stick to cleaning this evil empire up. OFF with their heads. bullets & guillotines will work

  6. Dopey o’l Joe was supposedly “on top of everything and “sharp as a tack”. KJP burped, “I can hardly keep up with him”. It was all lies. Dopey ol’ Joe is a dumbkopf with a shuffling gait and falls down. Then they need two SS agents to stand him back up again.

  7. When is she along with her corrupt,anti-american administration going to realize the reason that they lost was because of thier ridiculous policies and the people were tired of thier thier woke crap,they need to stop with the racist bullshit

  8. It’s sad that so many people voted for Kacklea. I am worried about the future of America. If my worst enemy had good policies, I’d vote for them. I didn’t vote for Kacklea, because she repeatedly lied, she was a terrible vice president and she wouldn’t change anything that she and Joe did. That alone should prevent a thinking person from voting for her. She should be able to raise that money quickly, with all of her voters.


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