Kamala Harris just made a HUGE MISTAKE.



Kamala would be a huge mistake FKH! FJB! MAGA! Trump 2024!

Don’t care what the fumbling, stumbling Dems do. I am definitely voting for Trump in November. Who is with me?


  1. Honestly I have not heard Kamala Harris reverse course on anything. Here staff are making a lot of noise but crickets out of Harris. Tim walz is a LYING POS.

  2. Correct, 2 bags of garbage on the same ticket. Cackling Kammy is abandoning her progressive ways? I don’t believe it. She’s trying to portray herself as a “moderate”, just like dopey Joe did. Anyone who believes it is a fool.

      • Another ignorant Democrat cult member says ” Trump lies ” but cannot list one !! So tired of these brainwashed ignorant libs spewing their bullshit!!

        You will disappear just like every other Democrat cult fool!!

        • Lawrence, how about trump’s lies about the size of the Harris/Walz crowd at the airplane hangar. He said it was fake, created by AI. That was disproven by many sources. But maybe he is just crazy, and can’t see what’s real. How do you explain that lie?

          • Lynette It’s a shame that main stream media has you buffaloed into believing their lies.I am sure that you can see that Sleepy Joe was indeed medically compromised but the socialist media lied and tried to cover it up and you believed it.The media also did not show Kamala in a very good light until Obama gave them the green light to start the “Kamala is the best thing since sliced bread bullcrap” WAKE UP! Kamala is and will be a disaster to our country! Just because she is good at “fellatio” does not make her presidential

          • What lies about Kamala crowd at hanger ?? Who disproved anything ?? I see who the REAL LIAR is at I am responding to her/it !! The prostitute was just in Phoenix at a rally !! There were THOUSANDS of empty seats
            everywhere in the venue !!
            Democrats are the crazy ones !!
            Answer this : 6 weeks ago MSNBC said Kamala was WORST Veep in American history and now all the ignorant uneducated Democrat cult thinks she is greatest thing !! And you ignorant libs keep screaming Trump will end democracy!! And you are so damn ignorant you don’t realize that the Democrat party elites took the basic idea of “democracy” away from the uneducated Democrat cult by NOT LETTING the people vote for who they want to run for office !!
            They appointed Kamala and the uneducated base just continued to show their ignorance by allowing them to to it !
            Hillary said ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” And the cult proved it

      • LOL! I don’t vote; never have and never will. BUT… if I were to vote it would be for a business man like Trump who has a very good idea of what it takes to run a country OR a nation…… Unlike the professional politicians like Harris and what’s-his-name for VP who are both dumb AND clueless.

  3. people need to think about our children and grandchildren .if we dont put trump in office there will be no future for them.the only one to stop the world wor is trump.kamala is not a powerful person.

    • the ONLY future your children can have is to put in SOMEONE who will STRAIGHTEN OUT this mess!!! NOT someone who GAVE us this mess !

      • ohh…. Obviously you mean the democrats….. Esp Biden and Harris. Another 4 years like the last 4 and goodbye middle class…. How many illegals has the border czar allowed in? AND, I have heard it said (and I believe it!) it was to get them the right to vote RIGHT AWAY.

  4. It’s important to consider the future of our children and grandchildren. The belief is that without Trump in office, their prospects could be bleak. Many see him as the only one capable of preventing global conflict. Conversely, there are opinions that Kamala does not possess strong leadership qualities.

    • Actually, KAMALA has NO leadership qualities AT ALL. She EVEN has to resort to stealing IDEAS from Trump to call her own ( Tip taxes for instance??? WHICH she gave us already ) !!

    • I think you understand things very well…. Been in business for myself for many years and Harris has no clue. And her VP pick is even worse…. besides being a liar.

  5. Bible proven correct AGAIN: Jeremiah 10:23 I well know, O Jehovah, that man’s way does not belong to him. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. (If you would like to know more about the Bible, please ask or email me your question(s). Also, I can direct you to a free Bible study course where you can study the Bible in your home. WHY is all of this evil NOW being exposed? Because we are told in the Bible that ALL evil will be openly exposed before the end begins so that the people have no excuse for not recognizing what is going on AND how bad rule by men truly is. Personally, I have never voted; I will not vote for corruption.
    Why is there so much corruption in ALL human governments? Satan selects all politicians who serve in human governments; go ahead, read it in your own Bible; Luke 4:1-8. Corruption cannot occur under the direction of Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18). But most people have rejected such direction and instead turn to Satan for guidance. In what is now a very short time, you will see how well that works out for such ‘persons’. If you have questions, please ask, or email me for more information; [email protected]. If you wish, I can also direct you to a FREE home Bible study course. This course is done with a full explanation of His Holy Name Jehovah. Please request further information about this FREE Bible study course via email.


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