If our government spent the same amount of money on our own homeless and veterans than they spent on Ukraine and illegal immigrants, we wouldn’t have a problem with homelessness anymore.

I’ve hated that laugh for 4yrs️


  1. Let me get this straight. The only thing you can say derogatorily about her is she has a kooky laugh? MAGA-nites are absurd people.

    • She has been a failure from word go !! She is border czar!! How did that work out ? In over 3 years she has been to border once!! She has allowed over 10 million ILLEGALS to cross the border!! How many have you taken in !!
      In 2020 she got 2 percent of Democrats vote. Now the Democrat cult is going stupid supporting her !!
      Democrats scream about Trump being an adulterer BUT then turn around and support Biden who is an adulterer, pedophile,and sexual molester.. and Kamala got to be where she is by being a prostitute!!

      The democrat cult are uneducated, ignorant and absurd people !!
      ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated” Hillary

    • She was supposed to be the border czar the democrats have told US for four years the border is closed, there is no truth in this statement an estimated 10 million have crossed. These are the hope of remaining in power for the democrats.

  2. Trump is an ignorant, obnoxious, racist scumbag that should be locked up for his attempted overthrow of the government of the United States!!! And the saddest thing and what is the most difficult to believe, is how many ignorant Americans cannot see what takes place in front of their eyes or comprehend what an ignorant low life piece of crap Trump is..or what an embarrassment that he is to our country!

    • The country’s biggest POS currently resides in the WH! The vp is an INEXPERIENCED, IGNORANT, STUPID, UNINTELLIGENT, LYING bovine and this is who you want for your president! I wouldn’t trust her to run a bath, let alone a country! President Trump did nothing but good and we didn’t have problems with our enemies, but all that changed when The Pervert-in-Chief took over!

    • You spelled Biden and communist Democrat party wrong !! Everything you said is an exact description of the Democrat party !! And the uneducated ignorant cult that you belong to believe all the lies and BS fed you !!
      ” Democrat voters are basically STUPID and easily manipulated!” Hillary

  3. Free medical care with Medicare for all. Who would go throw the years of study to become a Doctor with the famous declaration “I’m here from the government. I’m here to help!” Private practice would not be allowed. Many of us negotiated for health care insurance in leu of higher salary. Who is this nut job that would grant free stuff to illegal immigrants when they have absolutely no shin in the game.

  4. The Whore of Babylon is going to bankrupt this country if Joe doesn’t do it first, and we will be no better than Venezuela, although we’re becoming that now when you take people choices away and just drop a fool in.

  5. I’ve always said if Democrats could bring Hitler back and put a “D” by his name the uneducated ignorant Democrat base would vote for him !!
    Or how about Stalin,Mao tse Tung,
    ho chi Minh !
    The uneducated Democrat cult base are so ignorant they would vote for any dictator when told to .

  6. How can you all be so DUMB? Trump is a convicted felon – not with just ONE count but 34 — no small thing. He’s also a rapist & a narcissistic piece of shit who only thinks about himself! Ain’t that nice? He never thought about any of us the last time, why would he this time? And he even had poor grammar in this comment, which speaks very clearly to his IGNORANCE AND LACK OF EDUCATION! Not anybody I’d like to see being the leader of the country or any kind of example for my children nor grandchildren! WAKE UP!


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