Jill Biden’s FALSE Claims About Trump EXPOSED



Jill’s a HUGE reason that Joe’s staying in this…. She enjoys the power too much. SHAME ON HER!!!

The only time former President Trump cant complete a sentence is when he is quoting President Biden…


  1. For those out there who might not know, jill biden is a phd, just a fancy name for a teacher. She’s not an medical doctor, the kind of doctor that could help you when you are sick. The liberals conveniently left out this important information years ago making people think she was an actual MD. Bottom line, hopefully she and joey and the liberal clown cadre running things here ( running them into the ground and if you need evidence of this, come take a look and smell at California for evidence of the liberals and their incompetence and ineptitude in running things, other than running them into the ground) are done come November 5th 2024, when Trump or the Republican candidate is voted in by a landslide. The American people have had enough of these clowns and their BULLS**T for the last 3+ years and can finally see the light and the golden opportunity ahead to get rid of this clown show and slow moving train wreck that has done nothing positive in the last 3+ years. Really anybody who wants another 4 years of the last 3+ years of this nightmare needs to heve their heads examined. If I only had a bookie in Vegas to bet the odds of a Republican landslide come this November, I could clean up. And as someone living in California, this also means statewide elections where we here have the chance to purge ourselves of all the liberal trash that has done nothing but jack up the taxes to nosebleed heights and play the residents for fools among other things. Hopefully the residents of California have gotten thr message that another term of the liberals would finally destroy the former golden state now only golden in the piss and SHIT littering and stinking up the streets and sidewalks of San Francisco, the one time jewel of the state now called the new ‘doo-doo’ capital of the USA that some neighborhoods are biohazards. Nobody in their right mind votes for this, nobody. The FEDS need to investigate this for voter fraud and my question is this. what the hell’s the delay, this has been going on for years?

    • Bill, I couldn’t agree with you more, these jackasses that are in the White House only want what is best for themselves the more luxury the better but they aren’t satisfied with that either they still want to take every penny from us. Jill Biden is the biggest hypocrite going on about how Joe is “hard working”and Joe “cares” about the people, please I vomit in my mouth every time I hear this. Jill’s first husband can tell the world the truth about her and it’s not about revenge because the man gave her everything she wanted in their divorce. SHE was and is this greedy bitch who thinks she deserves everything. It is ALL about her and her corrupt family members. The Biden’s have been doing shady dealings for decades and gotten away with it. Their whole world should explode and the truth about them should be exposed. Our judicial system is broken Biden has it under his thumb but if he were cornered he could be prosecuted. We have an outstanding country that is in danger and needs a leader who will stand firm and protect us from all of this evil, that person I believe is President Donald Trump.

    • I’m a native California but escaped in 1994 for a better life due to the cost of living. CA has become way worse since then. I grew up in So Cal but moved to the Bay Area right after HS. I can’t believe what has become of one of the most beautiful states in America! There were enough signatures to impeach Newsom but he won the re-election anyway – rigged? Surely not. Voters need to cleanse CA and get rid of all Dems. FJB needs to go as well as all of the corrupt Dems in Congress and state leaderships. The Dems of today are not what they used to be. They need to stop using “liberal” and stick with progressive socialists.

  2. Stupid Biden could not handle a live neutral ground debate that is not rigged and after they do a drug test especially a cocaine drug test

  3. We need Trump and elect Republicans, not rinos, so he will have the support to bring this country back to its former glory! This is all Bambam’s fault he’s pulling all the strings. He said he was going to fundamentally chang this country and that’s what he’s doing with Biden as his puppet!

    • It’s actually Soros that’s pulling Bambam’s strings who in turn is pulling FJB’s strings (BTW, I like the Bambam moniker).

  4. Fbi and the Cia are completely corrupt along with the doj and the Republican congress is supporting them with thier funding remember they have control of the purse and are all yellow belly afraid of doing what they were elected to do stop the corrupt uncontrolled spending but they have done nothing but helping the uncontrolled spending


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