Jill Biden’s Ex-Husband EXPOSES ‘Biden Crime Family’ – Warns Trump Of Danger



I’d rather take the chair before I’d vote for Go Brandon.
TRUMP 2024

Still voting for TRUMP ❣️ ❤️❣️ ❤️❣️ ❤️


  1. Hes a politician like the others theyre all corrupt .they all lie,use their power illegally.theyre all bought and paid for .democrat and republican.thats why i voted for and will vote for trump ,hes not one of them.he cant be bought .open your eyes people

  2. I wouldn’t go to see Bruce Springsteen, if he hey paid me. He’s a traitor to our country. He mumbles worse than Obiden and his music sucks.

    • I agree. I never thought Bruce Springsteen could sing. He said it perfectly the Biden, crime family I believe every word he says. Jill and Biden aren’t running the country. It’s Barack Obama’s crime family and just wait. They’re gonna get Michelle in there which means for fourth term.

  3. Trump was convicted of 34 crimes. He is stupid and evil. People died because of him. He has committed every one I of God’s 10 commandments,
    You have turned a blind eye and you support him. God does not forgive that. You should fear God You .

    • WOW! How in the hell do you know what God forgives and doesn’t forgive? And just for your information, “Fear” God does not mean “to be afraid of”, but to “love God”. “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” Mt. 7:1

    • Comments like what you wrote are in direct opposition to what The Almighty wants from us. Take Trump and Biden out of it. Division is not why we are here. Have reverence when you mention the name of The LORD

    • And they say Trump supporters are in a Cult!

      There is no fix for stupid with these people. There is only beating them at the one thing they crave above all else: Getting Power. They will lie, cheat, steal and anything else that works for them, to get it.

      And what do they want to do with this Power? Tell everyone else how to live. Of course, in their minds they are a shining example of how to live. What could go wrong?

      Honestly, you can’t make up the kind of stupid and clueless afflicting these people. Lemmings over a cliff.

    • Being a Christian we know we can go to our Lord no matter what we have done, confess our sin and ask the Lord for forgiveness. We cannot judge our fellow man – only God can do that. No one could ever make me believe if I sinned and I confessed my sin and ask for his forgiveness, I couldn’t be saved. You have to be sincere. Maybe, you need to think again.

    • You are the kind of stupid ass who can’t find your ass with both hands. Your hero, Biden, is a crooked, lying, cheating thieving corrupt traitor to not only his government but to his country and those of us who belong here.

    • Sorry Jeanne, God is in charge of my forgiveness, not you. Oh, and BTW, He also protects me and my soul from angry, judgmental, evil-wishing people who would judge others before putting their own house in order. But, thanks for thinking of me anyway. Have a great and blessed Sunday tomorrow for you and yours.

    • 🤣🤣🤣🤣 LMAO Boy do you have your blinders on lady!! Wait. You’ll see. Then you can come on here and APOLOGIZE!! WHEN Trump wins BIDEN will turn into the FELON!!! Along with his useless FELON SON!! Drugs. Guns. Whores. Cannot WAIT!!!

    • I dont even know where to begin…Did you know Biden was sleeping around with his Campaign managers wife while they were still married? That woman was Jill. The one hes married to now. She left her husband and children for good old Joe. Joe the strict catholic he professes to be is fighting with his last breath to kill every baby he can. You want to sit and judge Trump for things that havent been proven. Its all a bunch of He said, she said but one of the very worst things God will judge someone on , Biden stands up and says if hes elected baby killing will be the law of the land. That came out of his own mouth on tv for the whole world to hear. Biden has damaged his relationship with his own daughter. Do you know why? He showered with her until she was a teen. That was in her diary that was recovered by the FBI and quickly covered up. I could go on and on. All Im saying is you should research and dig a little deeper into Joe Biden before you start throwing stones.

    • Boy, you really are a “USEFUL IDIOT” for the Democrat party. The only person that died on January 6 was Ashley Babbitt an unarmed Veteran.
      Those 34 charges are for what it’s made up charges you idiot. Evil is already in the White House as of now.

    • You are as full of shit as a constipated Christmas turkey. When Trump was president we had a reasonably secure nation in spite of the so-called democrats (Communists) in control of Congress. With your hero, TRAITOR BIDEN, we have virtually nothing except a good chance of losing WW3 to China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. It would be nice if you damn fools would wake up and smell the coffee brewing.

    • You better get your facts straight and get some real news, perhaps you are so blinded that you do not get anyway. Typical left-wing traitor to our country.

  4. Biden is constantly lying. He has been a liar his entire life. His political record is so full of lies and corruption. He goes around claiming to be such a good Catholic yet, he lies constantly. The head of America’s largest Catholic civil rights organization wants to know why federal investigators targeted traditional Catholics as “potential domestic terrorists”. Anyone who claims this country is stable under Biden is blind as to what is taking place. Trump 2024

      • Welcome to the U.S. Communist dictatorship we now are forced to face because of a bunch of fools who didn’t have enough sense to check Biden’s past record. All he can think of is hooray for me and screw the public.

    • Grew up in MD, not far from D.C., while Biden ran for his first Senate office from nearby Delaware. I lived my whole formative years with Biden’s lies, multiple plagiarisms and tall tales, which forced him to quit two previous races for POTUS when he was caught in them. He was also the most racist man in the Senate during the Civil Rights movement, contrary to what he puts out there for present-day consumption. That’s the ONE thing Kamilla Harris got right during her debate when she ran for POTUS, when she brought up Joe’s racist past. Our younger voters….18-to even 50’s (even my own adult kids), have NO IDEA about who this man has been for 50 years in government and who—worse yet—(salt in the wounds) he is now as he descends into the hell of dementia and drags us all along with him.

  5. The Bidens are traitors of America they need to be arrested they are sodimites of society any one that lies about how there wife and child dies will lie about anything

  6. I saw this ages ago. Jill is garbage, worse than Hillary, Pelosi.
    She raised Hunter along with Perv Joe. I can only imagine what a horrible teacher she is … Total dysfunctional family … and trying to make country in their own image to justify their sickness and failure as humans.

  7. WOW Fake doctor Nanny in the lime light. You talk about a gold digger afraid to lose riding around on jets and government helicopters and the Good life will be gone soon for her and old Joey. She could care less about the worthless Slow Joe. She wants the forever power they are losing. She is a whore Nanny that broke up a marriage and not even a doctor. Everybody sees how she rushes up to Biden to help find his way off the stage? She is a huge problem as she wants to forever have a great life at Americans expense.

    • He thought “coveting” was covering with satin sheets his red Chinese buddies gave him as a gift. Red sheets with gold stars that look’s like the Chinese flag.
      The main reason Joe want’s to keep his position: What happens if he’s out of office when Hunter’s case is still going on? He can’t pardon him if he’s in prison. I guess President Trump could pardon him?

  8. The sad part about all this is Jill Biden and the Biden family lets this man stand up in front of the nation and lets him humiliate him self time & time again all for the sake of power If any one thinks they are better off under Biden than trump maybe you should be led off the stage to

  9. Did they forøget to close the doors at the mental institutions? How did so many escape thus poluting society?

  10. My take: Joe’s first wife found out Joe was a pervert and screwing around and intentionally blew the stopsign into the path of the semi to take out the whole family – was PedoJoe messing with his first daughter too?


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