If the American Government did not have anything to do with the Kennedy assignation, there wouldn’t be any reason to keep this classified.
History Channel is great at saying nothing whatsoever but making it seem like they are
A few points they are covering up. #1 If it wasn’t our own govt. who killed JFK, then why did they CLASSIFY so that all those who were involved could not be implicated and live ‘happily ever after’. Most are all dead now. Their fortunes s/b taken from their families, confiscated & given to surviving Kennedy family members. #2. We know the CIA had programs of programming ‘stooges’ to do their bidding. It’s very likely that Aswald had nothing to do with pulling the trigger, but set up to think he was going to! And if not, why did Ruby – another CIA ASSET, MURDER HIM? #3 – Based on #2 – Look at the attempt on DJT in Butler. They used the same scenario and used another stooge who never fired the shots (as per multiple non-main-news sources show!) I personally believe the CIA did it, using assets. Why? Because JFK was going to do exactly what DJT is doing now – draining the swamp and exposing the Khazarian Mafia.
I think L. B. Johnson was involved up to his A hole – his first EO was transfer CIA from VP to Prez.