JD Vance SHUTS DOWN Kaitlan Collins live on her own show



He handled the situation so calmly and professionally!!!! Trump/Vance 2024!!!!

Trump made a good choice. Contrast him with Kamala.


  1. Way to go jd! He did a great job showing how uneducated and-anti democracy that woman is! The left media deserves a come upence and it just happened. Let’s hope it’s the first of many. President Donald J Trump picked a great VP in JD Vance.

  2. Why did CNN hire her? Everyone she tries to pull a Gotcha moment on shows how wrong she is.Who is she related to? Not very smart.

  3. This lady is so arrogant. She thinks she’s so smart and she looks like an idiot. She isn’t listening to what he’s saying as he tries to explain it to her. Her only focus is what her next snarky stupid comment is going to be. If you want to talk about coups that should be prosecuted, we can talk about Bush’s fake war that he started in Iraq, Obama’s even being able to run for president and paying millions of dollars to hide his birth certificate and college transcripts, Obama and Hillary selling missiles and other military weapons to foreign countries, Biden stealing an election, Hillary getting away free after using a personal server for classified documents and then destroying the evidence, Biden leaving BILLIONS of dollars of military weapons and equipment in Afghanistan, Biden executing a poorly planned withdrawal from Afghanistan and being responsible for the deaths of US soldiers etc. This woman needs to go back to school and get an education. Her arrogant demeanor is absolutely ridiculous. I absolutely believe that even a president is not above the law. If he executes illegal moves he should be prosecuted. I also don’t believe a president should be authorized to pardon anyone. When people go before a judge and jury and are sent to prison, no one should be able to wipe that punishment away. This is the a perfect example of how crooked our govt has become. They just sit around and try to think of more ways to give themselves more power. Most of them belong in prison for the things they have done.

  4. I don’t think anyone could educate her; but it does educate those who listen to what he actually said. As in; I get it!

  5. Another Bimbo!! Kudos to Vance for setting her straight. Hopefully what he educated her on will “stick” in her brain and she can check this tacky question off her “stupid question list”.

    • Right you are about her being a bimbo, but if you think any of these Anti Trumpers will learn anything your very badly mistaken. Socialism is drilled into their brains and common sense is lost.

  6. Collins can’t shut up long enough to allow her guest to answer a question. Honestly, I don’t know why Republicans give CNN & MSDNC the time of day. I’d tell them to pound sand and go interview pencil neck Schiff.


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