Liz Cheny belongs in prison for fraud, waste and abuse.

Liz Cheney needs life in prison for her crimes


  1. Corruption and Lies and Hateful Violence is a way of life for Democrats and Rinos they only care about themselves and care less about the American people.

    • You have to follow the BRUNSON CASE IN SUPREME COURT. They just ruled that the 2020 election was STOLEN and therefore NOT VALID. So in other words, every single pardon goes right out the window. Every law Biden signed into office, every Exec. Order he did is MOOT. P.A.N.I.C. (Patriots are Now in Control!)

  2. This evil, despicable, turncoat, traitor, cheney turned on her own party, because she hated Trump so bad. She lied, slandered, broke several laws by destroying evidence, she is as dirty as they come, and deserves jail time, for treason.

    • The B—-H is the most morose, miserable and hateful figure in politics. Earth to Liz: Go the F Away, then keep going until you step in a bottomless Black Hole — or WORSE !

      • Agreed that she is morse, miserable, and hateful. You go too far when you say “most”. As long as Pelosi walks and breathes on the earth, the “most” position is taken. Pelosi is at least tied with Cheney on morose, and Pelosi’s level of miserable is what keeps her going. When it comes to hateful, Pelosi’s reach is far and long. She hates everybody–not just Trump, and she’s VERY good at hating. She is loyal to no one but herself, and she has NO sympathy for anyone or anything. There is no cause for which she would put herself on the line. She IS her own cause. Cheney focuses her hate in one direction and on one person. She’s despicable, but she’s two-dimensional. Pelosi is an in-depth 3-dimensional whacko with an added layer of Bellatrix Lestrange and frosted with Cersei icing.

  3. I also remember pencil necked Schiff, saying he had proof about Russia, Russia, Russia being involved with Trump. What ever happened to that? All devilcrats and some RINO’s are liars.

    • You better believe it! D-Joe will pardon everyone whose name comes across his sleepy eyes…and if he misses one there will be somebody there by his side to give him a poke in the ribs and put his hand to the big X mark. I am so sick of all of this.

  4. This site is nasty! Liz has always spoke the truth! Whether you liked it or not! She is a true Republican that speaks honestly of what the republicans believe! The problem is not her! The problem is others not standing for the truth whether they themselves want trump or not so that Trump will be their salvation!(probably not) why put magna over party why not put our democracy over revenge and hatred for our freedom and constitution! Your children are watching so show them a backbone and stand and speak the truth!


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