It Begins… Trump Buses Migrants Back to Mexico



As a New Yorker, enough is enough and I’m thankful action is being taken.

The US has the right to protect its border


  1. Think of the cost…..both in lives and in money…… incurred by our country first accommodating, then deporting these illegal aliens. What a shame the Biden administration created this problem in a vain attempt to influence recent and future elections. Once again, taxpayers are stuck paying the huge cost of political ignorance and self interest.

  2. It cannot happen fast enough. Illegals everywhere. No parking available. They run into everyone with their free vehicles, and hit you in the store with their carts, reminding you that you are history. California no longer exists. It’s Mexico North. Those responsible for this deserve the death penalty. The power and money they grabbed from letting 22 million Illegals enter, then paying for all of their housing, food, devices, toys, vehicles, education, medical, dental, etc., etc., etc., subsidizing cheap labor and ensuring billions of dollars of bribes. The businesses that got cheap labor deserve to go under. Yes, paying $5/hour is not a living wage. And, Illegals are expected to keep paying off those who claim responsibility for smuggling them into America. Some Illegals paid with their excess children. Even Trump admits 320,000 children cannot be located. Want someone to blame? The Roman Catholic church is entirely to blame. Don’t forget that history ignored is facts repeated.

  3. WHY deport these ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS? They will just illegally cross the border and come back to cause more problems! Since they are hardened CRIMINALS, just execute them!

    I am NOT going back to Haiti! You are Right! BANG…

  4. President Trump is non stop to help the American people unlike Biden and his administration which didn’t do Sh#t to help the American people.

  5. Couldn’t agree with you more Lulu. They came in families, with their kids. Deport them all, or else we will regret it. And the thousands of kids dissapeared that is on Biden, lest they blame President Trump.


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